Page 111 - Vo
P. 111


 I.  Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.  L. Complete the following text with the correct forms of the words given below.

                 burden          fundamentally        integrate            likely            mindful

           Poverty is a widespread problem, and everyone in society needs to cooperate to find creative solutions. Authorities
           and community leaders must work collaboratively to overcome the (1) _____________ challenges of those
           experiencing financial difficulties. It might require the (2) _____________ of specific procedures into community
           development policies. Support systems, like job training programmes and accessible education, can be effective
           in fostering a more inclusive society. Such initiatives are (3) _____________ to breaking the cycle of poverty, as
           they contribute to long-term positive change within the public. Moreover, it is essential to (4) _____________ meet
           the unique needs of diverse communities to ensure the solutions are equally suitable for different populations. By
           developing a comprehensive approach, we can decrease the (5) _____________ of poverty and provide a more
           equitable and prosperous future for all.

        M.  Read the dialogues below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.

                    Lily: The noise from the construction site    Liam: I apologise for missing your birthday
                         across the street is so annoying. It’s          party. Something urgent came up
                         been non-stop for days!                         at work.
                   Leon: Yeah, it can really get on one’s          Amy: It’s okay, but I was hoping you could
                         nerves. Have you considered                     be there to celebrate with me.
                         talking to the local authorities?
              a                                              c    Liam: I know, and I feel terrible about it.
                    Lily: No, I haven’t. I think it doesn’t make         How about going out for dinner this
                         any change.                                     weekend? I want to make it up to
                   Leon: It’s worth a try. If more people raise
                         their concerns, it can lead to stricter   Amy: That sounds like a good idea! Let's
                         regulations.                                    go to that new Chinese restaurant.

                    Bob: I’ve just learned about the               Max: It’s sad to see homeless people in
                         environmental impact of fast                    the streets.
                         fashion. It’s horrible, and it really
                                                                  Noah: Yeah, it’s a pity.
                         bothers me.
                                                                   Max: I wouldn’t like to be in their shoes.
                   Alan: Don’t be too hard on yourself.
                                                                         I can’t imagine living their lives.
                         Many people aren’t fully aware of
              b                                              d
                         the consequences of their choices.       Noah: That’s right. I believe we should
                    Bob: I know, but I need to make changes              not only feel sorry for them but also
                         in my lifestyle, so it becomes more             understand the complexities of the
                         sustainable.                                    problem. Then, we can work on
                                                                         efficient programmes and fix the
                   Alan: You want to take steps and this is
                                                                         real causes.
                         fantastic. I’m proud of you!

            1.  to be in a bad or difficult situation that another person is in            ________
            2.  to do something good for someone you have upset to be friends again           ________
            3.  to irritate, annoy, or upset someone a lot                                       ________
            4.  to criticise someone severely or to treat someone unfairly                       ________

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