Page 112 - Vo
P. 112


    ENGLISH  1.   The  ----  of  individuals  to  volunteer  work   6.   Finding  a  career  that  is  ----  with  one’s  skills,
         Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
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            contributes significantly to building a sense of
                                                                and satisfying work life.
            community and support.                              interests, and values is crucial for a fulfilling
            A) obsession                                        A) undecided
            B) attachment                                       B) unready
            C) commitment                                       C) isolated
            D) integration                                      D) compatible
            E) isolation                                        E) likely

        2.   The fear of social ---- can prevent people from   7.   Society’s laws and norms can be ---- and hard
            being themselves and fully participating in         to follow for some, especially if they come from
            society.                                            different cultural backgrounds.
            A) adoption                                         A) confusing
            B) inequality                                       B) attached
            C) assumption                                       C) insubstantial
            D) rejection                                        D) reasonable
            E) support                                          E) uneven

        3.   Individuals  should  work  together  and  follow   8.   Following the traffic rules is ---- for every driver,
            a systematic ---- to ensure the quality and         as it ensures the safety of themselves and
            efficiency of their work.                           others on the road.

            A) resident                                         A) unequal
            B) nomination                                       B) committed
            C) confusion                                        C) burdensome
            D) condemnation                                     D) integrated
            E) approach                                         E) compulsory

        4.   People  with  disabilities  often  face  the  ----  of   9.   Treating  all  students  ----  in  the  classroom
            being in an environment that may not meet           is essential for creating a positive learning
            their needs.                                        environment.
            A) decision                                         A) mutually
            B) prohibition                                      B) fundamentally
            C) evenness                                         C) decisively
            D) burden                                           D) equitably
            E) mutuality                                        E) substantially

        5.   Individuals  who  are  ----  with  their  work  may   10.   Many  students  ----  admit  that  they  need  more
            experience difficulties in maintaining a healthy    guidance and feedback, as they struggle with
            work-life balance.                                  the workload and deadlines.
            A) tactless                                         A) lightly
            B) obsessed                                         B) fiercely
            C) unsupported                                      C) frankly
            D) impaired                                         D) fittingly
            E) approachable                                     E) assumedly

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