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            invention (n)                    progress (v)                     shift (n)
           a thing or an idea that has never       to improve or develop over a          a change in opinion, mood,
           been made before                 period of time                   policy, etc.
             The invention brought a           As technology progresses,           The unexpected results brought
             new level of efficiency to         smartphones become more         about a shift in the researchers’
             scientific practices.                                             approach.
            maintain (v)                                                      speculation (n)
           to make something continue at        provable (adj)               the act of forming a theory or
           the same level, standard, etc.     that can be shown to be true     hypothesis without firm evidence
             Maintaining specific lab           Researchers work to            In the world of science,
             conditions helps ensure reliable         gather evidence that makes         researchers work hard to reduce
             results.                         their hypotheses provable.        speculation.

            measurable (adj)                 put through (phr v)
           determined or expressed in                                         sufficient (adj)
           numerical terms                  to continue with and complete a         enough for a particular purpose;
             In the experiment, scientists         plan, programme, etc. successfully     adequate
             aimed to achieve measurable         The researchers were           The collected samples provided
             results.                         determined to put through their         sufficient material for the
                                              innovative plan.                 researchers.
            necessarily (adv)
           in all cases, as an expected result    quantity (n)                suspicion (n)
             Not all experiments necessarily       an amount or a number of          a belief or idea that something
             lead to groundbreaking         something                        may be true
             discoveries.                                                      Unusual findings in the data
                                              Scientists use advanced tools          raised suspicion among the
            negligible (adj)                  to measure the quantities of         experts.
           so small or unimportant; not            materials.
           worth considering                                                  take on (phr v)
             The impact of the minor error in      relatively (adv)          to accept a particular job or
             the lab test was negligible.     in comparison with other similar        responsibility
                                            things or with what is expected      The experienced scientist took
            outbreak (n)                      Even with limited resources, the         on the mission of guiding the
           the sudden start of a disease or          project progressed relatively         team.
           something unpleasant
             The outbreak of a new virus           quickly.                   turn into (phr v)
             raised concerns among                                           to become something else
             scientists.                     reveal (v)                        Over time, the basic theory
                                            to let something unknown or            turned into a unique application.
            potentially (adv)               secret become known
           in a way that something may           The experiment’s results slowly      variably (adv)
           develop into something; possibly       began to reveal new insights.     in a way that changes often and
             The innovative method may                                       not in a regular way
             potentially lead to significant        run into (phr v)           Different factors can variably
                                            to experience a problem or            influence an experiment’s
                                            difficulty                         outcome.
            precise (adj)
           clear and accurate                 Despite careful planning,
             In laboratory tests, precise            the scientists ran into unforeseen      virtually (adv)
             measurements are crucial.        challenges.                    for the most part; almost
                                                                               With current technology,
            process (n)                      set up (phr v)                    travelling at light speed is
           a series of things that are done in       to create something or start it       virtually impossible.
           order to achieve a particular result      The scientists set up a
             The scientific process involves a         comprehensive plan for their
             series of carefully planned steps.       next experiment.

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