Page 124 - Vo
P. 124


    ENGLISH  I.  Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.

                                                                             5. Both of the voice recognition
                1. According to animal behaviour
                                              3. The microwave was ordinary
                 experts, animals that are bred
                                               on the outside, but it had
                                                                              software is the same or near
                 in captivity may suffer from
                                               for precise and efficient
                 stress and limited space.     innovative sensor technology   enough; they understand
                                                                              and carry out commands
                                               cooking.                       accurately.
                2. Smartphones receive        4. The smart thermostat learns     6. With smartphone apps near
                 automatic updates until       user preferences and adjusts the   at hand, users can control
                 further notice to remain      temperature in advance to      smart home devices with
                 up-to-date on the newest      prepare the home for the family.  simple commands.
                 features and security patches.

                a. almost; approximately      c. close enough to reach easily    e. ahead of time; beforehand

                b. in appearance; as opposed to     d. while being held, enclosed, or     f.  continuously or indefinitely
                 the true or inner nature      confined                       unless otherwise stated

        J. Complete the following text with the words given below. One is extra.

                   in                near             outside of           until             upon

           Space exploration was a distant dream (1) _____________ recently. However, in the last decades, innovations in
           technology have accelerated the pace of progress, and it has helped us learn more about the universe. Missions to
           explore celestial bodies (2) _____________ the Earth, like Mars, the Moon, and beyond, have been successfully
           carried out. Advanced technology is used to help solve the mysteries of the universe. Satellites with high-tech
           sensors and tools travel through space and collect information (3) _____________ distant galaxies, atmospheric
           conditions, etc.
           Also, improvements in rocket technology have made it possible for spaceships to be used more than once. This
           has dramatically cut the cost of exploring space and opened up new areas for scientific study. As engineers and
           scientists push the limits of space travel, the search for answers about the universe will keep leading to innovative
           ideas and humanity will solve the deepest mysteries of the cosmos (4) _____________ the near future.
        K. Complete the following text with the words given below. One is extra.

                advance             devise           extensively         feasible            insist

           In the ever-changing technological world, electronic devices undergo a constant transformation. Mobile technology,
           for example, has significantly improved from the first heavy devices to today’s slim, multifunctional smartphones.
           They are (1) _____________ designed with the newest features to adapt to users’ needs. Engineers and developers
           work tirelessly to (2) _____________ systems that exceed expectations. Innovations like GPS, high-resolution
           cameras, and powerful processors indicate the careful consideration that has been placed into enhancing these
           gadgets. All these developments aim to provide (3) _____________ solutions to improve daily life rather than
           just offering fancy features. As smartphones continue to develop, their impact on communication, work, and
           entertainment becomes increasingly profound. The (4) _____________ in the tech industry is apparent not only
           in the devices themselves but also in the way they gradually integrate into our lives. They are becoming more and
           more essential in our everyday activities with their convenience and practical applications.

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