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    ENGLISH  1.   Plastic  waste  in  the  oceans  has  become  a   6.   International  conferences  offer  a  ----  learning
         Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
         düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

            growing ---- and requires urgent measures to
                                                                ideas and discoveries.
            protect marine ecosystems.                          platform for scientists worldwide to exchange
            A) density                                          A) mutual
            B) province                                         B) reversible
            C) concern                                          C) brief
            D) reason                                           D) trivial
            E) resident                                         E) tight

        2.   You should increase your ---- of probiotic-rich   7.   Since the exploration of Mars began, there has
            foods like yoghurt in order to get the benefits     been a ---- increase in our knowledge about the
            of good bacteria.                                   red planet.
            A) abundance                                        A) different
            B) intensity                                        B) progressive
            C) limitation                                       C) dissimilar
            D) consumption                                      D) spontaneous
            E) insensitivity                                    E) feasible

        3.   Thanks to advancements in space technology,    8.   Successful  online  marketing  requires  the
            scientists can make accurate ---- about future      strategic  use  of social  media  platforms  and  a
            astronomical events.                                ---- understanding of digital trends.

            A) predictions                                      A) prosperous
            B) disorders                                        B) demanding
            C) compliments                                      C) precious
            D) nutrients                                        D) substantial
            E) remains                                          E) defective

        4.   The  melting  glaciers  provide  undeniable  ----   9.   If  someone  wants  to  participate  in  outdoor
            of  climate  change’s  impact  on  our  planet’s    sports or activities, they should dress ---- to
            ecosystem.                                          ensure comfort and safety.
            A) dedication                                       A) appropriately
            B) sarcasm                                          B) uniquely
            C) proof                                            C) primitively
            D) threat                                           D) unavoidably
            E) quantity                                         E) profoundly

        5.   Parents with a family history of type 1 diabetes   10.   The  Silk  Road  connected  diverse  civilisations
            are more ---- to pass on the illness to their       and ---- facilitated cultural exchange between
            children.                                           East and West.
            A) crucial                                          A) suspiciously
            B) insistent                                        B) unaffordably
            C) rapid                                            C) immensely
            D) initial                                          D) deceptively
            E) likely                                           E) mindfully

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