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P. 133


        11.   ---- the usual options of recycling and reusing,   16.   With  advanced  dental  imaging,  dentists  can
            consider donating unwanted items ---- local         identify issues ---- the tooth structure and detect
            charities or organisations.                         decay ---- the enamel surface.
            A) Besides / onto                                   A) within / beneath
            B) Among / off                                      B) on / underneath
            C) Alongside / for                                  C) across / beyond
            D) Without / at                                     D) with / alongside
            E) Outside of / to                                  E) about / towards

        12.   ----  historical  monuments,  visitors  can  also   17.   ---- their parents and teachers, most teenagers
            discover authentic cafés and shops ---- the         look for role models who are ---- the same
            heart of cultural districts.                        interests or hobbies as them.

            A) Following / from                                 A) Between / at
            B) Opposite / along                                 B) Besides / into
            C) Alongside / near                                 C) As / near
            D) Beneath / against                                D) Opposite / on
            E) Around / past                                    E) With / past

        13.   For  fun  and  affordable  activities,  many   18.   Education  programmes  remove  barriers  ----
            amusement  parks  offer  50%  ----  the  regular    different socio-economic groups, and ---- these
            admission price ---- weekdays.                      programmes, equality is ensured.
            A) off / on                                         A) throughout / by
            B) in / at                                          B) among / through
            C) up / of                                          C) off / underneath
            D) from / within                                    D) against / next to
            E) as / during                                      E) before / since

        14.   Space exploration is more than just stargazing;   19.   ---- the ancient Egyptians, the Mesopotamians
            it is ---- discovering new worlds and the           were also proficient ---- mathematics and
            potential for life ---- Earth.                      astronomy.

            A) with / besides                                   A) After / to
            B) inside / before                                  B) With / upon
            C) near to / after                                  C) By / towards
            D) upon / behind                                    D) Next to / at
            E) about / beyond                                   E) Following / of

        15.   The  company  ----  the  virtual  reality  gaming   20.   ----  the  adoption  of  effective  policies  on  air
            platform has received ---- $10 million in funding   quality, satellite imagery revealed clearer skies
            from various investors.                             ---- major urban centres.
            A) with / underneath                                A) Beyond / about
            B) above / through                                  B) Without / over
            C) behind / around                                  C) Since / among
            D) upon / until                                     D) During / onto
            E) for / beyond                                     E) After / above

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