Page 130 - Vo
P. 130


    ENGLISH  1.   Many people enjoy musicals, which often have   6.   Through  effective  economic  reforms,  South
         Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
         düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

                                                                Korea has become one of the most ---- countries
            a catchy song as the ---- of the performance.
                                                                in Asia.
            A) endurance
            B) centrepiece                                      A) quantifiable
            C) release                                          B) decisive
            D) intensity                                        C) prosperous
            E) moderation                                       D) arbitrary
                                                                E) elevated

        2.   The restoration of ancient manuscripts should   7.   Having  a  picnic  without  checking  the  weather
            be carried  out with ----  and care in  order to    first can turn into a ---- effort if it suddenly gets
            preserve their delicate pages.                      rainy or stormy.
            A) integration                                      A) slight
            B) diligence                                        B) precious
            C) abundance                                        C) fortunate
            D) proximity                                        D) futile
            E) exhibition                                       E) sarcastic

        3.   The  ----  of  writing  systems  was  a  turning   8.   The  presence  of  ancient  rock  paintings  in
            point in human history, as it allowed for the       Australia is ---- of the rich and diverse history of
            recording and preservation of knowledge.            the Aboriginal people.
            A) impression                                       A) aware
            B) process                                          B) indicative
            C) invention                                        C) capable
            D) prominence                                       D) consistent
            E) downside                                         E) indigenous

        4.   Charitable  organisations  play  a  key  role  in   9.   Stretching  ----  for  a  few  minutes  right  after
            the ---- of poverty by providing resources and      you wake up can improve flexibility and blood
            support to those in need.                           circulation.

            A) allocation                                       A) lightly
            B) fierceness                                       B) unevenly
            C) feasibility                                      C) directly
            D) alleviation                                      D) sensitively
            E) affordability                                    E) fiercely

        5.   The city offers many ---- options for tourists,   10.   Some  data  could  be  ----  deleted  from  a  hard
            such as budget-friendly museums, public             drive with no possibility of recovery if proper
            transportation, and street food.                    backups are not established.
            A) occasional                                       A) nonsensically
            B) dense                                            B) customarily
            C) instant                                          C) approximately
            D) outdated                                         D) indestructibly
            E) affordable                                       E) permanently

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