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P. 125


 I.  Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.  L. Complete the following text with the correct forms of the words given below.

                accurately         consistent         examine            potentially       speculation

           Women in science have played crucial roles in shaping the scientific world. They have (1) _____________
           contributed to science, and their successful efforts have changed the gender prejudices against them. They have
           spent significant time on scientific (2) _____________ and experiments in laboratories or the field, just like their male
           counterparts. Thus, they have enhanced the (3) _____________ and reliability of scientific knowledge. They have
           left a lasting mark on scientific progress, from Marie Curie’s pioneering work on radioactivity to Barbara McClintock’s
           Nobel Prize-winning genetics research. They have responded to those who would (4) _____________ about their
           scientific capabilities with their achievements. Today, female scientists continue to reach their full (5) _____________
           by pushing boundaries. They contribute to our understanding of physics, astronomy, medicine, technology, and
           beyond. Supporting women in science not only fosters innovation but also creates a more equitable and developed
           scientific community.

        M.  Read the dialogues below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.

                     Eli: Hey, Ben! Have you heard about            Mia: A research team is planning to
                         the latest advancements in artificial           develop advanced prosthetics that
                         intelligence?                                   adapt to individual movements.
                    Ben: Oh, definitely! The progress in AI is           That’s impressive.
                         fascinating.                             Jude: I think so! They’re using sensors
                                                                         to detect nerve signals for more
                     Eli: Absolutely! But for some, it might
              a                                              c           natural control.
                         be hard to figure out its working
                         system.                                    Mia: Right, but there are concerns about
                                                                         the cost of the project.
                    Ben: True, but learning the basics of AI
                         is not rocket science. It becomes        Jude: I hope they won’t pull the plug on
                         more comprehensible as you go                   research that could change lives
                         further into it.                                just because of financial barriers.

                   Mary: Don’t you think it’s become easier        Levi: I’m really into quantum computing.
                         to learn a new language thanks to               Qubits are used in superposition
                         mobile apps?                                    and entanglement to enable faster
                   Pete: We are on the same wavelength!                  computation.
                         I think technology plays a positive       Zoe: Er, that sounds too complicated for
                         role in acquiring a new language.               me. You blind me with science!
              b                                              d
                                                                   Levi: Sorry! Simply, it’s about designing
                   Mary: Totally! It’s possible for us to study
                                                                         quantum systems that process
                         a language without leaving our
                                                                         information more efficiently.
                   Pete: Exactly! It has opened up                 Zoe: Got it! It sometimes feels like you’re
                         opportunities for everyone.                     speaking a different language.

            1.  to prevent or stop something from continuing or happening            ________
            2.  to confuse somebody by using technical language                  ________
            3.  to think in a similar way and to understand each other well                   ________
            4.  very easy to do, learn, or understand                              ________

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