Page 123 - Vo
P. 123


 E. Complete the table below with the correct forms of the words.  H. Study the words and their meanings. Then use these words to complete the sentences below.
           in                                                    under
        [1] during part or all of (a period of time)       [1] at a point lower than
             Uncrewed spacecraft acquired detailed data in a year.         There is a red spot under the test subject’s right eye.
        [2] before or at the end of (a particular period of time)    [2] below the surface of
              Mars may have its first human colony in twenty years.         The robot has a sensor under its protective casing.
        [3] inside; within                                 [3] as a reaction to; because of
              No talking on the phone is allowed in the laboratory.         Metals generally expand under heat.
        [4] into                                           [4] less than
              Pour the solution in the test tube.               Under twenty per cent of Nobel awardees are women.
        [5] wearing                                        [5] lower in grade or rank than
              Astronauts in spacesuits explored the lunar surface.         Many stars are under Sirius in the brightness scale.
        [6] while or by performing the action of           [6] subject to; governed by
              Researchers use algorithms in analysing complex data.         Genetic research is under ethical guidelines.
            outside (of)                                   [7] in the state or process of
        [1] on or to the exterior of                            The vaccine is under development.
              Experiments take place outside (of) the classroom.    [8] during the rule of
        [2] beyond the limits of                                Johannes Kepler lived under Emperor Rudolf II.
              Acting outside research ethics is unacceptable.    [9] within the group of
        [3] apart from; except                                  Classify the papers under ‘Genetic Studies’.
             The invention has no applications outside medicine.  [10] (hidden) behind
                                                                The robot has a complex system under its metal skin.
           near (to)
                                                         [11] in accordance with
        [1] close to (a place or a state)                       Vaccines are produced under strict lab conditions.
              Biologists study coral reefs near tropical islands.
        [2] soon before                                          upon
             The rocket will be launched near the end of the year.    [1] on (especially in abstract senses)
        [3] similar to                                          We should focus sufficiently upon scientific literacy.
             This robot is near (to) a human.              [2] onto
                                                                The spacecraft landed upon the Martian surface.
                                                           [3] about, concerning
        [1] up to the time of; till                             The podcast is upon innovations in biotechnology.
             The comet was visible until midnight.
                                                           [4] immediately after
        [2] earlier than; before                                Upon launch, the satellite successfully entered orbit.
              No one knew the structure of DNA until 1953.
        [3] as far as
           Stay on the train until the last station near the lab.

           1.   The world’s largest telescope is __________ construction in Chile and will be completed by 2030.
           2.   The team wrote a paper __________ the completion of their study and detailed their findings.
           3.   The smartphone is __________ a computer in its features and functions, but it is more portable.
           4.   Quantum computers can do calculations __________ the capabilities of conventional computers.
           5.   The gamer is __________ a virtual reality headset and gloves that create a realistic experience.
           6.   The Hubble Space Telescope is __________ getting an image of a black hole at the galaxy’s heart.
           7.   Ian will work on the project __________ the end of the day and ensure that all tasks are completed.

           8.   __________ detecting the obstacle, the drone changed its course and avoided the collision.
           9.   Creativity is a key skill that allows programmers to find innovative solutions __________ coding.
           10.  There is no other known planet in our solar system with liquid water and life __________ Earth.
           11.  The first space station, Mir, was built by the Soviet Union __________ the supervision of Korolev.
           12.  Tiny living organisms were unknown to science __________ the invention of the microscope.

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