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        11.   Some software might function ---- on outdated   16.   The emergence of online booking platforms has
            devices, as they lack the necessary hardware        significantly ---- the way that people plan and
            support.                                            arrange their travel.
            A) immeasurably                                     A) shifted
            B) inclusively                                      B) examined
            C) permanently                                      C) impressed
            D) apparently                                       D) settled
            E) ineffectively                                    E) inserted

        12.   Digital  technology  has  ----  changed  the    17.   In today’s fast-moving world, people usually ----
            film-making process by offering innovative tools    efficient and time-saving solutions to meet their
            and creative techniques.                            daily needs.

            A) invisibly                                        A) take away
            B) drastically                                      B) look for
            C) indecisively                                     C) sell out
            D) adversely                                        D) scale down
            E) arbitrarily                                      E) reflect on

        13.   Taking photographs inside galleries is ---- so   18.   Governments  often  ----  preservation  projects
            that the original conditions of the artefacts can   on historical landmarks to save these cultural
            be preserved.                                       treasures for the future.
            A) endured                                          A) hand down
            B) released                                         B) account for
            C) promised                                         C) come across
            D) prohibited                                       D) make up
            E) employed                                         E) carry out

        14.   Joining a book club ---- engaging discussions   19.   Including ramps and wider doorways in public
            and an opportunity to connect with people of        spaces ---- greater accessibility for individuals
            the same mind.                                      with mobility challenges.

            A) disperses                                        A) gets along
            B) devises                                          B) takes after
            C) includes                                         C) falls behind
            D) allocates                                        D) brings about
            E) impairs                                          E) calls off

        15.   Being  ----  to  varied  viewpoints  is  always   20.   The Impressionist art movement ---- a profound
            beneficial, as it fosters personal growth and       change in artistic expression during the late 19
            creates a more open-minded society.                 century.
            A) deployed                                         A) worked out
            B) alleviated                                       B) turned down
            C) promoted                                         C) resulted in
            D) assumed                                          D) took off
            E) exposed                                          E) put through

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