Page 131 - Vo
P. 131
11. Excessive industrial trash polluted the river 16. By looking at the falling populations of
to such an extent that it could ---- support any endangered species, one can ---- that habitat
aquatic life. destruction threatens biodiversity.
A) firmly A) demand
B) apparently B) require
C) imperfectly C) assume
D) intensely D) disturb
E) hardly E) disprove
12. Cybersecurity experts ---- warn individuals and 17. People always have to ---- managing deadlines
organisations about online privacy threats and and daily schedules, whether in their personal
cyberattacks. or professional lives.
A) insistently A) fill out
B) slightly B) put through
C) deficiently C) give in
D) evenly D) deal with
E) unexpectedly E) dive into
13. A database management system allows users 18. Genetics may ---- some of the differences in
to ---- data easily from a vast database with just athletic performance and physical abilities
a few clicks. among individuals.
A) overcome A) take in
B) substitute B) put forward
C) retrieve C) give off
D) increase D) account for
E) widen E) reflect on
14. Some advertisements ---- consumers by 19. We need to ---- some difficulties and challenges
making false claims about a product and using to learn valuable lessons and skills that will
misleading visuals. help us in the future.
A) deceive A) go through
B) accompany B) pull down
C) suspect C) keep up
D) compliment D) turn into
E) condemn E) take away
15. After extensive discussion, the research team 20. When a sports tournament is ---- due to some
decided to ---- the renewable energy project for sort of setback, all competitions need to be
the Global Energy Prize. rescheduled.
A) reveal A) taken up
B) nominate B) scaled down
C) perceive C) drawn on
D) dedicate D) brought out
E) promote E) put off