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            keep on (phr v)                  predominant (adj)                refer to (phr v)
           to continue                      present as the strongest or main       to talk or write about somebody
             Tourism keeps on contributing       element; the most common     or something, especially in only a
             to the economic growth of the        In coastal cuisine, seafood is         few words
             region.                          predominant.                     Brochures often refer to
                                                                               significant cultural sites in the
            markedly (adv)                   preserve (v)                      region.
            in a clear and noticeable way     to prevent something from
             Technology has markedly          damage or destruction           reputation (n)
             improved virtual museum tours.      People can preserve their          the general opinion that people
                                              culture by keeping traditions         have about someone or
            mysteriously (adv)                alive.                         something
           in a way that is difficult to                                       The old town has a good
           understand or explain             previously (adv)                  reputation for its historical
             The ancient artefact has          before the present time         buildings.
             mysteriously disappeared from        The exhibition has previously
             the exhibition.                  unseen photos of traditional        revenue (n)
                                              ceremonies.                    the money that a government or
            obviously (adv)                                                  company receives regularly
           in a way that is easy to          priority (n)                      The city’s tourism revenue has
           understand or see; clearly       the most important thing that one         doubled since last year.
             Joe’s enthusiasm for cultural         must handle before other things
             sites is obviously visible.       Respecting cultural differences      set out (phr v)
                                              is a priority in travel and tourism.     to start a journey
            offensive (adj)                                                    Jamie will set out on a new trip
           causing someone to be upset or      promotion (n)                   to explore Sydney.
           to have hurt feelings            the process of attracting people’s
             Local authorities prohibit          attention to something       spontaneously (adv)
             offensive behaviour towards          Effective promotion raises          in a way that is sudden and not
             cultural symbols.                awareness of lesser-known         planned
                                              landmarks.                       Tom spontaneously decided
            outdated (adj)                                                     to take a trip without planning
           no longer useful or modern        prosperity (n)                    beforehand.
             The travel blog seems outdated       the state of being successful,
             since there are no recent          especially in making money    take after (phr v)
             updates.                         The country’s economic          to follow as an example
                                              prosperity largely depends on         Local chefs take after traditional
            overly (adv)                      tourism income.                  recipes for home-made dishes.
           too; very
             We avoid overly crowded tourist      province (n)                tightly (adv)
             spots for a more relaxed       an administrative region in a          firmly or closely
             experience.                    country with its own local         The community holds its
                                            government                         cultural values tightly to protect
            practical (adj)                   Quebec is the largest            its identity.
           useful or suitable               French-speaking province in
             The practical city map made         Canada.                      transmit (v)
             it easy for tourists to find key                                to pass information, knowledge,
             landmarks.                      rapidly (adv)                   beliefs, etc. on to other people
                                            in a fast or sudden way            Communities transmit culture to
            precious (adj)                    The old village on the World           younger generations.
           very valuable because of being          Heritage List rapidly gained
           rare, expensive, or important       popularity.
             İstanbul Archaeological
             Museums have precious
             artworks and sculptures.

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