Page 75 - Vo
P. 75


        C. Choose the correct option.

           1.   The restoration of an ancient archaeological site is expected to ---- a renewed appreciation for the area’s rich
               history and cultural significance.
               a) figure out            b) fall behind       c) bring about

           2.   As the Taj Mahal continues to ---- under the pressure of environmental and human threats, many people fear
               that it will soon lose its iconic beauty.
               a) take after            b) fall apart        c) refer to

           3.   Molly loves learning about different cultures and travelling to new places, so she ---- pursuing her passion as a
               freelance writer and photographer.
               a) keeps on              b) goes through      c) figures out

           4.   Emily was amazed when she ---- a traditional festival in the village; people were wearing colourful costumes and
               performing folk dances there.
               a) fell behind           b) came across       c) brought about

           5.   The tourists ---- to explore the local culture and were surprised to find that the locals were incredibly welcoming.
               a) came across           b) took after        c) set out

        D. Replace the words and phrases in bold with one of the words given below. Change the form
           if necessary.

                            accelerate             accommodate                allocate

                  disturb                employ                 enhance               hamper

                            introduce                preserve                 transmit

           1.   Traditional markets present local crafts and foods and give tourists an idea of the authentic and local culture.
           2.   Hotels with local elements and charm host a wide range of tourists and ensure an unforgettable stay.
           3.   Cultural centres give jobs to skilled guides, and they enrich the tourist experience by providing interesting
              details about the history of a region. ________________
           4.   Adding informative signs to historical sites can raise the standard of tourists’ understanding and increase
              cultural exploration. ________________
           5.   Museums play a crucial role in protecting artefacts so that people can appreciate the cities’ rich cultural
              heritage. ________________
           6.   Language barriers can sometimes prevent effective communication and understanding between individuals from
              different nationalities. ________________
           7.   Local investments in cultural events can quickly boost tourism’s growth and bring more visitors to discover the
              richness of our heritage. ________________
           8.   Traditional music and dance performances convey the spirit of our culture to enthusiastic tourists.
           9.   Loud construction noise near the historical site may interrupt tourists and distract them from the area’s peaceful
              atmosphere. ________________
           10.  The town council gives a particular amount of funds to support cultural events and community spirit.

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