Page 77 - Vo
P. 77


 E. Complete the table below with the correct forms of the words.  H. Study the words and their meanings. Then use these words to complete the sentences below.
           beside                                            throughout
        [1] by the side of; close to                     [1] in or to every part of
             The tour guide stood beside me at the entrance.       Tourism has boosted the economy throughout Africa.
        [2] compared with                                [2] from the beginning to the end of
              I know little about Asia, but beside Li, I am an expert.       Throughout his career, Ed located long-lost treasures.
        [3] in addition to; apart from                       behind
             Cassandra visited some other countries beside India.
                                                         [1] at the back of
           past                                                Artefacts were displayed behind protective barriers.
        [1] later than; after                            [2] on the far side of; beyond
             Carnival festivities continued past midnight.       The cultural centre is a few metres behind the library.
        [2] on or to the other side of                   [3] supporting
            The ethnographic museum is past the mosque.     Heritage enthusiasts were behind us in the matter.
        [3] beyond or above (the point, stage, or limit of)  [4] inferior to; lower than
             The richness of Japanese culture is past comparison.        Mia is behind the rest of the class in cultural history.
        [4] beyond the age for or of                     [5] hidden by
             Your kids are past staying at the hotel for free.       There is tourism potential behind this small town.
        [5] no longer capable of                         [6] late (with)
             We are past promoting local tourism effectively.        Students are behind with their cultural research.
              by                                         [7] in the past of (and finished)
        [1] at the side of; near                              Our days of disregarding heritage are behind us now.
              A group of tourists gathered by the fountain.        on
        [2] via; through                                 [1] at the upper surface of
             The Smiths travelled to Mongolia by South Korea.       There are travel brochures on the information desk.
        [3] past                                         [2] at the time of; during
              A traditional parade marched by the excited crowd.       What traditions are observed on New Year’s Eve?
        [4] by means of                                  [3] covering
             Visitors can book tickets by email.               Local dancers had traditional sandals on their feet.
        [5] during                                       [4] immediately after
             The explorers journeyed by day and rested by night.        On leaving the hotel, Mary took a taxi to the airport.
        [6] no later than                                [5] about, concerning
              The plane will have landed by two o’clock.        Books on local traditions enrich cultural knowledge.
        [7] through the action of                        [6] a member of
             The tour was guided by a knowledgeable historian.        Is Julie on the heritage conservation committee?
        [8] according to
           By law, heritage buildings cannot be demolished.

           1.   The festival occurs __________ the harvest season to celebrate the end of collecting crops.
           2.   Famous for its landmark, the Big Ben, London is visited __________ millions of tourists each year.
           3.   Turkish people celebrated the 100  anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye __________ October 29 .
           4.   When cities host technology fairs, both the government and investors are __________ them.
           5.   The old amphitheatre is __________ hosting performances due to the high risk of collapse.
           6.   İstanbul is a unique place with its natural and historical treasures __________ the city.
           7.   The city of York has mediaeval walls around it, and __________ these walls lies a historic old town.
           8.   The hall hosts concerts of global genres __________ traditional music performances.
           9.   __________ reaching the coastal area, tourists started to enjoy the relaxing sound of waves.
           10.  Individuals have the option to make a reservation __________ online booking platforms.
           11.  The festival features performances by world-famous names __________ the first week of April.
           12.  Traditionally, a glass of water and a small plate of delight are served __________ Turkish coffee.

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