Page 80 - Vo
P. 80


    ENGLISH  1.   Tourists  should  follow  the  local  customs  to   6.   Wearing  comfortable  and  ----  clothes  during
         Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
         düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

                                                                a journey ensures a more enjoyable and
            avoid causing any ---- to the local community.
                                                                stress-free experience.
            A) contentment
            B) promotion                                        A) disapproving
            C) convenience                                      B) unidentified
            D) offence                                          C) practical
            E) allocation                                       D) precious
                                                                E) outdated

        2.   Authorities  give  high  ----  to  preserving  the   7.   In many cultures, it is polite and ---- to bring a
            city of Quito, as it has the status of a World      small gift as a sign of gratitude when you are
            Heritage Site.                                      visiting someone’s home.
            A) introduction                                     A) customary
            B) priority                                         B) exclusive
            C) reputation                                       C) transmissive
            D) practicality                                     D) accelerating
            E) revenue                                          E) obvious

        3.   Cultural ---- is crucial to protecting traditions and   8.   To show respect for the religious and cultural
            strengthening the bonds between generations.        rules of the places you visit, you need to wear
                                                                an ---- outfit.
            A) disturbance
            B) prosperity                                       A) appropriate
            C) transmission                                     B) administrative
            D) identification                                   C) employable
            E) administration                                   D) offensive
                                                                E) enormous

        4.   Supporting local artists and markets at tourist   9.   Tourists often prefer local markets to souvenir
            sites facilitates the ---- of cultural experiences   shops in popular tourist spots because of the
            and economic prosperity.                            shops’ ---- high prices.

            A) accommodation                                    A) practicably
            B) enhancement                                      B) exclusively
            C) appropriateness                                  C) rapidly
            D) employment                                       D) overly
            E) exclusion                                        E) mysteriously

        5.   The guided shuttle service to cultural heritage   10.   The  Louvre  Museum  in  Paris  was  ----  a  royal
            sites offers a ---- transportation option for       palace,  but  during  the  French  Revolution,  it
            tourists.                                           became a public museum.
            A) promotable                                       A) obviously
            B) predominant                                      B) previously
            C) mysterious                                       C) markedly
            D) provincial                                       D) contentedly
            E) convenient                                       E) inappropriately

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