Page 79 - Vo
P. 79


 I.  Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.  L. Complete the following text with the correct forms of the words given below.

                 entirely          introduce          previously         promotion        spontaneously

           Cultural expeditions often aim to (1) _____________ appreciation for traditions and heritage. These kinds of trips
           give you a chance to connect with local communities and learn more about the world’s cultural mosaic. Expert guides
           are important for the (2) _____________ of critical locations, discovering historical sites, and explaining the meanings
           behind each site.

           As you walk down the streets, you can see the (3) _____________ neighbourhood. It will give you a natural look into
           everyday life in the area. Such tours encourage (4) _____________ interactions and memorable experiences. The
           trip becomes an active exchange when you talk to locals in a crowded square or participate in a cultural workshop. In
           these places, it is easy to spot the specific features of the local culture, from traditional crafts to delicious food. The
           trip will give you an authentic and enriching cultural experience from (5) _____________ generations.

        M.  Read the dialogues below and match the phrases in bold with their definitions.

                    Eric: This road trip is taking longer than I   Jade: I’m getting tired of the same old
                         thought.                                        touristy places.
                   Sara: Yeah, and there’s no petrol station       Cara: Same here. Why don’t we get off
                         or service area in sight. We’re in the          the beaten track and experience
                         middle of nowhere! What should                  something different?
                         we do?
              a                                              c     Jade: That would be great! Actually, I
                    Eric: Well, let’s check the map to find a
                                                                         heard that there’s a lovely village
                         town nearby.
                                                                         in the countryside. We can explore
                   Sara: I’ve done that twice already. Maybe             the local traditions and try authentic
                         we should consider driving back to              cuisine.
                         the last town we passed.                  Cara: That’s exactly what I’m looking for!

                   Ryan: Hey, Axel! I heard you’re driving          Yui: It’s been quite busy this week. I
                         cross-country to visit your family.             need a break for the weekend. Do
                         That’s a long trip!                             you know any cool places to visit?

                   Axel: Yeah, it is. It takes almost two          Carl: Yes. You can go to Cherry Beach.
                         days, but I’ve planned to break the             It’s a hot spot during weekends.
              b          journey in a small town for a night.  d    Yui: It would be nice, but I need a quieter
                                                                         place to clear my mind.
                   Ryan: That sounds like a good idea! Any
                         specific place in mind?                   Carl: You should think about the
                                                                         lakeside, then. It offers a peaceful
                   Axel: Greenfield. I can have some rest in
                                                                         atmosphere; you can even stay in a
                         a hostel before I set out again.

            1.  a popular place that is full of activity or entertainment              ________
            2.  in or into a lesser-known area that not many people go to                    ________
            3.  a place that is far away from other cities, buildings, or people              ________
            4.  to stop somewhere for a period of time during one’s travel           ________

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