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        11.   By  ----  covering  dining  and  other  facilities,   16.   For the addition of a historical site to the World
            all-inclusive  hotels  simplify  the  vacation      Heritage  List,  UNESCO  must  ----  the  site’s
            experience and boost relaxation.                    unique and exceptional features.
            A) spontaneously                                    A) allocate
            B) entirely                                         B) predominate
            C) reputably                                        C) accommodate
            D) disturbingly                                     D) approve
            E) tightly                                          E) content

        12.   The  social  media  campaign  of  the  airline   17.   Even  though  things  have  changed  over  the
            company  was  ----  successful,  as  it reached     years,  the  town’s  older  people  still  ----  living
            millions of users in a short time.                  with their traditions.

            A) inconveniently                                   A) come across
            B) approvingly                                      B) keep on
            C) prosperously                                     C) fall apart
            D) enormously                                       D) set out
            E) impractically                                    E) bring about

        13.   Virtual reality technologies have ---- the growth   18.   The  town  could  ----  in  the  competitive  global
            of virtual tourism and allowed people to explore    tourism  sector  if  it  fails  to  adapt  to  changing
            places from home easily.                            cultural trends.
            A) identified                                       A) refer to
            B) disapproved                                      B) take after
            C) excluded                                         C) figure out
            D) outdated                                         D) fall behind
            E) accelerated                                      E) go through

        14.   Limited transportation options in a city can ----   19.   As a tourist, you can quickly ---- local customs
            access to remote cultural sites and reduce the      by observing the behaviours of people around
            number of visitors.                                 you.

            A) hamper                                           A) keep on
            B) promote                                          B) bring about
            C) enhance                                          C) go through
            D) introduce                                        D) fall apart
            E) practise                                         E) figure out

        15.   Hotels  often  ----  local  chefs  to  offer  visitors   20.   As  soon  as  the  sun  rose,  the  visitors  ----  on
            authentic regional cuisine during their stay.       a  cultural  adventure  to  discover  the  hidden
                                                                beauties of the town.
            A) disturb
            B) preserve                                         A) referred to
            C) employ                                           B) came across
            D) offend                                           C) set out
            E) transmit                                         D) took after
                                                                E) fell behind

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