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    ENGLISH      to produce something to sell to             devote (v)            give away (phr v)
            bring out (phr v)
                                                                             to give something to someone
                                            to give your time or effort for
            the public
                                                                             without asking for payment
                                            something or somebody
                                              The film-maker devoted two
              The author plans to bring out a
                                                                               Our art teacher gave away extra
              new collection of short stories           years to a wildlife documentary.         art supplies to motivated
              next month.                                                      students.
                                             distinct (adj)
            classify (v)                    clearly noticeable; clearly         give off (phr v)
           to put people or things into          separate and different      to produce something such as a
           groups by their type, size, etc.      The art class explores a distinct       smell, heat, light, etc.
             Librarians classify books by           art movement each week.      The lights in the exhibition gave
             their subjects.                                                   off a soft glow and created a
                                             dive into (phr v)                 cosy atmosphere.
            come out (phr v)                to start doing something suddenly
            to become known or available     and energetically                immensely (adv)
             The poet’s first book came out        In the expressive art workshop,       to a great extent; extremely
             last year and became a           we dived into the depths of our        Realistic dialogues immensely
             bestseller.                      emotions.                        enrich the depth of the stories.

            compliment (n)                   downside (n)                     implicitly (adv)
           something that is said or done to       the negative part of something     in a way that is not directly
           show praise or a strong liking      Creating art is fun, but the          expressed
             The director’s last film earned          downside is it can get messy.      The photographer implicitly
             compliments from the audience.                                    criticised society through
                                             elevated (adj)                    polluted landscapes.
            comprehensively (adv)           intellectual or formal; of a high level
           in a way that includes everything;         The poetry collection is about       impressive (adj)
           completely                         the elevated emotions of the      causing someone to feel
             Many art critics have discussed         human soul.             admiration or respect
             the artist’s technique                                            Rob’s impressive digital art
             comprehensively.                encompass (v)                     techniques made him a
                                            to include different types of things       well-known artist.
            deception (n)                     A good literary analysis should
           a statement or action that hides          encompass all the elements      inclusion (n)
           the truth                          in the work.                   the act of having something or
             The story had lots of tricks and                                someone as part of something
             deceptions to keep the          exhibition (n)                  larger
             readers guessing.              an event at which objects, such          The inclusion of diverse
                                            as paintings, photographs, etc., are         characters brings richness to
            deficiently (adv)               shown                              the story.
           in a way that is not good enough      The photographer showed
             The scenario was deficiently           the lively nature of urban life in      independent (adj)
             written with unnatural           her exhibition.                capable of thinking or acting for
             conversations.                                                  oneself; free from outside control
                                             flourish (v)                    or influence
            deliberately (adv)              to grow or develop successfully      Kylie is an independent artist;
           with awareness of what one is          Writing skills begin to flourish           she does not follow any trends
           doing; intentionally               with regular practice.           or styles.
             The sculptor deliberately
             left certain details to the      get away (phr v)                inscribe (v)
             viewer’s imagination.           to escape from a person or place,       to write words in a book or carve
                                             often when it is difficult to do this     them on an object
            demand (n)                        Books usually offer an escape        The sculptor carefully inscribed
           a strong request                   to get away from the stress of         his signature on the statue.
             The library added more classics         real life.
             to meet reader demand.

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