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P. 89


        C. Choose the correct option.

           1.   The author ---- describes the mysterious forest; she brings the dark shadows and flying leaves to life in the
               reader’s imagination.
               a) deficiently           b) seemingly         c) vividly

           2.   The plays of Shakespeare ---- influenced English literature, and they even continue to shape the foundations of
               drama to this day.
               a) immensely             b) implicitly        c) deliberately

           3.   The students studied the novel ----; they looked into its themes, plot elements, and character development to
               gain a deeper understanding.
               a) uniquely              b) comprehensively   c) remarkably

           4.   The Spanish architect Antonio Gaudí’s ---- imaginative perspective on architecture is visible in almost every
               corner of Barcelona.
               a) remarkably            b) deficiently       c) primarily

           5.   The director ---- used soft colours and gentle music to create a calm atmosphere in the romantic film.
               a) vividly               b) deliberately      c) seemingly

        D. Replace the words and phrases in bold with one of the words given below. Change the form
           if necessary.
                            compliment              deception                 demand

                 downside               exhibition              inclusion              issue

                            perception               proximity                stardom

           1.   The many details in the historical novel were interesting, but they had a disadvantageous aspect for readers
              who wanted a faster-moving story. ________________
           2.   The bookstore ordered extra copies of the classic novel because of the strong desire from students and book
              clubs. ________________
           3.   Alexandra had to cope with some technical problems when she was checking the sounds before the concert.
           4.   The story gains depth and complexity through the author’s addition of characters from diverse backgrounds.
           5.   The gallery hosted an art show of black-and-white photographs that were taken by well-known photographers
              around the world. ________________
           6.   The actress enjoyed the benefits of popularity, such as money and fans, but she also missed her privacy and
              freedom. ________________
           7.   The closeness of the sculptures in the cultural centre invited viewers to explore the hidden connections between
              the pieces. ________________
           8.   The comedy play is full of lies and trickery; this keeps the audience entertained with its clever dialogue and
              hilarious situations. ________________
           9.   The artist’s use of vibrant colours and dynamic brushstrokes had a significant impact on the viewers’ view and
              understanding of the painting. ________________
           10.  The novelist was thankful for the positive feedback from a famous critic on her interesting theme and believable
              characters. ________________

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