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 E. Complete the table below with the correct forms of the words.  H. Study the words and their meanings. Then use these words to complete the sentences below.
             over                                                to
          [1] above (without touching)                     [1] in the direction of; towards
                A number of drones were flying over the film set.    While on her way to the theatre, Ivy met an old friend.
          [2] above (touching); on the surface of          [2] as far as
                Actors put masks over their faces before performing.         The critics read to the last line of the book.
          [3] across; throughout                           [3] up till; until
               The playwright’s fame spread over the world.         The art exhibition is open from Monday to Friday.
          [4] from one side to the other of                [4] directed towards
               The protagonist climbs over the wall into the garden.         The documentary is a doorway to different cultures.
          [5] more than; above                             [5] before (the hour of)
               Tolstoy wrote over thirty novels in his lifetime.          It is already ten to five; the film will start soon.
          [6] during                                       [6] in contact with; against
               Clara watched three operas over the weekend.         Mike’s face was pressed to the window in the last act.
          [7] about; concerning                            [7] considered by
                Editors met with the publisher over the book’s budget.         The painting is a masterpiece to art critics.
          [8] higher in rank than; superior to             [8] in comparison with
                No one is over the director in the film crew.         This book is nothing to the one I read last week.
          [9] in preference to                             [9] needed for; matching
               Tim was chosen over another actor for the lead role.         Have you seen the key to the lighting control room?
        [10] by means of; via                            [10] causing (a particular feeling)
                Pam discovered the new art trend over the Internet.         To my surprise, the novel has received bad reviews.
             within                                              up
          [1] in or into the interior of; inside           [1] from a lower to a higher point of
                It is hard to stop the spread of fire within the theatre.         The actor quickly climbed up the stairs to the stage.
          [2] in the course or period of; before the end of    [2] on top of
                The composer wrote his latest song within a week.         Robert put the book up the shelf after reading it.
          [3] in the limits of; not beyond                 [3] in a direction contrary to that of; against
               The director tries to work within the budget of the film.         In the scene, the couple row their boat up the current.
          [4] not farther than                             [4] towards; at a point farther along
               The writer’s workshop is within a few miles of Bristol.         The opera house is up the boulevard.
             along                                               opposite
          [1] from one end to the other end of             [1] across from; facing
               The audience moved along the cinema lobby.         The cinema opposite the café has been renovated.
          [2] for the length of                            [2] as a co-star with
               There are sculptures along the path to the art gallery.          He acted opposite Alan Rickman in the series.

           1.   From cave paintings to modern art, artistic expression has diversified __________ the centuries.
           2.   In the novel, readers can feel like walking __________ the beach of a tropical island.
           3.   In the iconic film Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio acted __________ Kate Winslet.
           4.   The sculptor placed an eagle __________ the branch of a tree and finally completed her work.
           5.   The paintings are impressive, but they are nothing __________ Michelangelo’s works.
           6.   The playwright is proud that he has been awarded __________ a dozen prizes in his life.
           7.   Themes of fate and free will appear a lot __________ the tragedies of Sophocles.
           8.   The experience of acting in a short film was, __________ my pleasure, truly exceptional.
           9.   In the art exhibition, the surrealistic works were displayed __________ the realistic ones.
           10.  The art teacher drew pictures __________ the corridors of the school with the students.
           11.  The author is very excited because her novel will be published __________ a year.
           12.  In the film’s opening scene, a group of people slowly walk __________ a mountain road.

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