Page 32 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 32


          9.   In the 19  century, many Europeans ---- to the   13.   Women’s rights have improved ---- over the years
            Americas for better prospects, but most of them   globally, but there is still much work to be done
            faced harsh living conditions that did not meet   to achieve true fairness in all aspects of life.
            their expectations.
                                                              A) considerably
            A) emigrated
                                                              B) attentively
            B) contributed                                    C) desperately
            C) pretended                                      D) vaguely
            D) rejected
                                                              E) temporarily
            E) addressed

        10.   According to a recent survey, many young    14.   In cybersecurity, it is important to ---- between
            professionals in the technology industry          real users and fake ones to keep sensitive
            ---- successful and experienced mentors for       information safe and protect online systems.
            guidance and inspiration.
                                                              A) promise
            A) make up for
                                                              B) conduct
            B) look up to
                                                              C) express
            C) get away with
                                                              D) overcome
            D) come out of
                                                              E) distinguish
            E) stand out against

        11.   The ---- for cost-effective and eco-friendly   15.   Organisers sometimes ---- hiking trips due to bad
            materials is increasing quickly thanks to the     weather and reschedule them for a safer time to
            raising awareness of waste management and         guarantee the security of all participants.
            pollution issues.
                                                              A) grow apart
            A) property
                                                              B) heat up
            B) barrier                                        C) break into
            C) ability                                        D) call off
            D) demand
                                                              E) try on
            E) victory

        12.   The generation gap has become more ---- with   16.   Historians often compare different eras ---- each
            technological progress; younger generations       other to show how societies have changed
            easily adopt innovations, while older people      ---- time by highlighting significant events that
            struggle to adapt.                                shaped history.

            A) invisible                                      A) for / in
            B) avoidable                                      B) with / over
            C) evident                                        C) off / behind
            D) essential                                      D) to / of
            E) impartial                                      E) across / about

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