Page 36 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 36
9. One of the most comprehensive studies on 13. Paleontological and geological evidence
bluefin tuna populations highlights the urgent supports the idea that the present-day
need for worldwide conservation efforts to ---- the continents of Earth were ---- joined together in a
effects of habitat destruction. supercontinent called ‘Pangaea’.
A) approve A) doubtfully
B) decrease B) externally
C) expand C) currently
D) complain D) formerly
E) ignore E) eventually
10. Given their potential to offer shelter and 14. Assistive communication devices ---- individuals
protection from harsh lunar conditions, the Moon with speech impairments by offering alternative
caves are thought to be suitable environments to methods for them to express themselves and
---- permanent bases. interact with others.
A) leave behind A) benefit
B) figure out B) specify
C) put back C) contain
D) switch on D) overlook
E) set up E) interrupt
11. Due to its dense seaweed layers, which often 15. Red blood cells, carrying oxygen throughout the
caused ships to become stuck and delay their body, have a lifespan of about 120 days before
voyages, the Sargasso Sea created a navigational they are ---- and replaced by new cells produced
---- for early explorers. in the bone marrow.
A) achievement A) made up
B) compulsion B) broken down
C) difficulty C) gone through
D) advantage D) passed out
E) recession E) built on
12. After enduring severe drought and dust storms 16. At its height, the Roman Empire controlled
during the Dust Bowl, many American farmers vast territories ---- its borders and extended its
migrated in search of more ---- land and better influence ---- military conquest and diplomatic
living conditions. alliances.
A) productive A) beyond / upon
B) impartial B) of / between
C) affordable C) within / through
D) unstable D) outside / into
E) predictable E) above / over