Page 34 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 34
9. Healthcare providers must carefully ---- patients’ 13. The Industrial Revolution introduced mass
medical histories, present symptoms, and production with advanced machinery, which in
underlying medical conditions to make a right turn boosted urbanisation and ---- changed social
evaluation. and economic structures.
A) pollute A) currently
B) remove B) traditionally
C) overcome C) briefly
D) examine D) typically
E) suspect E) consequently
10. In order to avoid data loss in case of a system 14. Modern imaging techniques enable diagnostic
failure you should ---- your files weekly and store tools to ---- previously inaccessible regions
them on an external drive or cloud service. of the human body, which enhances medical
A) come down
A) transform
B) deal with
C) back up B) expand
D) leave out C) immerse
D) penetrate
E) hand in
E) convert
11. In a busy office environment, even a minor ---- 15. According to psychologists, when individuals
can significantly affect the workflow, decreasing have to ---- prolonged stressful environments,
overall productivity and impacting the company’s their mental and emotional stability can be
performance. affected negatively.
A) measurement A) get out of
B) interruption B) come up to
C) approach C) put up with
D) commitment D) make up for
E) expectation E) look down on
12. If you design a new product, you should take into 16. In 1954, a sponge diver ran into a shipwreck
consideration not only its aesthetic appeal but about 28 metres ---- the sea, which is now
also its ---- applications to guarantee it meets the exhibited ---- the Bodrum Museum of Underwater
needs of consumers. Archaeology.
A) practical A) beneath / at
B) transparent B) around / by
C) adequate C) within / in
D) controversial D) beyond / inside
E) respectable E) under / via