Page 60 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 60


          9.   Many individuals ---- that their mental health is   13.   Some researchers have suggested that
            affected by constant stress and anxiety, which    intelligence is ---- influenced by the environment
            highlights the urgent need for better coping      rather than genetics, and this proposition has
            strategies and support.                           started debates among experts.

            A) postpone                                       A) primarily
            B) confuse                                        B) familiarly
            C) distract                                       C) annually
            D) abuse                                          D) gently
            E) complain                                       E) admirably

        10.   People should ---- efforts to improve disability   14.   Athletes need to ---- their muscles before
            rights by ensuring that effective legal protections   exercising so that they can reduce the risk of
            and community resources are in place for those    injuries and enhance their flexibility, which will
            who need them.                                    result in a safer and more efficient workout.
            A) bring down                                     A) handle
            B) cut off                                        B) stretch
            C) get over                                       C) fasten
            D) back up                                        D) recycle
            E) hand in                                        E) narrow

        11.   Social media platforms can often create     15.   Due to the global economic downturn, some
            problems about ----, so it is important to confirm   companies across varied industries have decided
            information before sharing it to avoid spreading   to ---- their operations to cut costs and sustain
            misleading content.                               profitability.
            A) appreciation                                   A) scale down
            B) abundance                                      B) turn to
            C) growth                                         C) make up
            D) jeopardy                                       D) count on
            E) accuracy                                       E) throw away

        12.   Smart devices have made a ---- impact on our    16.   Geophysicists studying Mars’ interior have
            daily lives, making it easier to stay connected,   discovered evidence ---- a huge underground
            manage tasks, and access information quickly      reservoir of liquid water that is enough to fill seas
            at any moment.                                    ---- the planet’s surface.

            A) current                                        A) in / beneath
            B) brief                                          B) under / at
            C) tremendous                                     C) of / above
            D) sophisticated                                  D) for / on
            E) decisive                                       E) as / from

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