Page 63 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 63


         1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
         düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

        1.   Farmers are increasingly concerned about the   5.   The extraordinary durability of certain ancient
            ---- of soil, a serious issue that typically occurs   ceramics, which have survived for millennia, is
            when the land is overused and loses its ability to   believed to ---- the unique chemical composition
            support crops effectively.                        of the clay used in their creation.
            A) quality                                        A) cool down
            B) structure                                      B) fall apart
            C) degradation                                    C) sell through
            D) moisture                                       D) divide up
            E) variety                                        E) result from

        2.   The law of gravity is universally ---- because it   6.   Online museums offer numerous ---- that provide
            consistently affects all objects across the entire   users with invaluable experiences and make
            planet and beyond, regardless of their size, mass,   access to cultural content easier with premium
            or location.                                      images and artwork.
            A) valid                                          A) declines
            B) flexible                                       B) features
            C) unstable                                       C) placements
            D) convertible                                    D) diversions
            E) inconvenient                                   E) suspicions

        3.   Although the computer was made for ----      7.   While organic foods have some notable safety
            academic research purposes at first, it then      advantages, there is not enough strong evidence
            attracted the attention of many professionals for   to prove that they are richer in nutrients than ----
            its potential applications.                       ones.
            A) severely                                       A) additional
            B) defensively                                    B) immediate
            C) purely                                         C) intentional
            D) frequently                                     D) conventional
            E) closely                                        E) adequate

        4.   Adapting to new conditions can be tough, so    8.   Stepping out of your comfort zone can ----
            most people prefer to stick to their usual routines   promote your personal growth since it often
            and ---- change, even when it might give better   leads to new experiences and skills that might
            results.                                          otherwise remain unexplored.
            A) expect                                         A) delicately

            B) resist                                         B) controversially
            C) consider                                       C) desperately
            D) assess                                         D) sincerely
            E) replace                                        E) significantly

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