Page 61 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 61
1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. To prevent potential traffic ---- between electric 5. A new government strategy ---- reducing
scooters and pedestrians, research suggests that unemployment by pushing organisations to
their operations on pavements should be banned, employ more people and spend on job training
but alternatives are thus required. programmes.
A) symptoms A) falls for
B) circumstances B) focuses on
C) adjustments C) gives up
D) conflicts D) keeps away
E) investments E) figures out
2. According to a recent study, ---- headlines 6. Teenagers suffer from social media ---- and
delivered in a narrative style can boost article spending too much time online, which can
engagement and clicks compared with those cause problems with academic performance and
using complex language. personal relationships.
A) identical A) complaint
B) straightforward B) demand
C) considerable C) remedy
D) affordable D) excuse
E) embarrassing E) addiction
3. As the seas have absorbed much of the 7. To stop paying ---- costs for extra baggage,
excess heat that human-produced greenhouse travellers often use compression bags or packing
gases have trapped in the atmosphere, ocean cubes to maximise space and reduce the weight
temperatures have increased ---- over time. of their luggage.
A) steadily A) estimated
B) instantly B) minor
C) attentively C) additional
D) smoothly D) average
E) coincidentally E) limited
4. Although the brain begins developing even 8. When creating a new menu, a chef prioritises
before birth and is ready for certain experiences, flavour and presentation, more ---- emphasising
it still ---- the ability to engage in many basic the use of locally-produced components to
physical and mental activities in the newborn improve taste and sustainability.
A) importantly
A) strengthens
B) temporarily
B) lacks
C) accidentally
C) removes
D) suspiciously
D) performs
E) alternatively
E) avoids