Page 69 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 69
1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. Effective resolution of complex environmental 5. According to legend, Ephesus was founded by
issues usually requires international ----, as the Amazons, a tribe of female warriors; hence,
nations must unite to formulate sustainable the city’s name is believed to ---- ‘Apasas’, a town
solutions and implement global policies properly. in the Kingdom of Arzawa, meaning ‘city of the
Mother Goddess’.
A) discrimination
A) search out
B) collaboration
B) blow over
C) hesitation
C) derive from
D) preservation
D) bring about
E) suspension
E) hand down
2. For the sake of maintaining democratic principles 6. While there are general ---- for different types of
and guaranteeing that the government accurately functions to be associated with the left or right
reflects the will of the people, voting in national hemisphere, the brain’s complexity means that
elections is ---- in many countries. most tasks involve interaction between both sides.
A) reluctant A) tendencies
B) intuitive B) illustrations
C) speculative C) necessities
D) restricted D) imitations
E) obligatory E) precautions
3. While working on radar technology during World 7. Without ---- verbal communication, there may
War II, Percy Spencer noticed that a candy bar in be gaps in comprehension for children since
his pocket melted when subjected to microwaves, they may not always recognise the reasons
which ---- led to the invention of the microwave behind parents’ actions, causing potential
oven. misunderstandings.
A) redundantly A) chronic
B) incidentally B) hostile
C) objectively C) abrupt
D) abundantly D) explicit
E) convertibly E) corrupt
4. Inflation ---- due to a variety of factors that 8. Despite its efforts to overcome various
influence the overall level of prices, often challenges such as invasions, frequent
resulting from both domestic and global leadership changes, and civil wars, the Roman
conditions, so central banks monitor these Empire was ---- divided into Eastern and Western
dynamics closely. halves in the late fourth century.
A) speculates A) innately
B) intervenes B) coherently
C) converses C) exclusively
D) fluctuates D) presently
E) negotiates E) ultimately