Page 73 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 73
1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. Appropriate and precise language should be 5. Studies reveal that while you sleep, your body
consistently used while writing legal documents repairs muscles you have ---- during the day; the
to avoid any possible ---- that might lead to brain eliminates toxins that build up when you
different interpretations and unexpected legal are awake; and it restores memories.
A) sent out
A) competence
B) passed for
B) ambiguity C) worn down
C) disturbance
D) adhered to
D) resolution
E) come into
E) exposure
2. When scientists assess a new planet for the 6. Parents play a key role in supporting their
possibility of colonisation, their primary concern children’s growth, and the ---- of effective
is determining whether it has a ---- environment parenting strategies can greatly enhance
that is capable of sustaining human life. developmental outcomes and foster better
emotional and social skills.
A) compatible
A) assumption
B) notorious
B) predisposition
C) habitable
C) discrimination
D) cautionary
D) implementation
E) chronic
E) convention
3. During research on ancient manuscripts, 7. Considering the potential ---- impacts of activities
handling and managing findings ---- ensures like Pilates on those with specific health issues
that the integrity and security of the historical when performed unsupervised, practising them
information are protected from unauthorised under the guidance of a qualified trainer is
access. advisable.
A) devastatingly A) eligible
B) forcefully B) adverse
C) innovatively C) fierce
D) hazardously D) fulfilling
E) confidentially E) negligible
4. Completing a complex surgical procedure often 8. Most ---- known for its high omega-3 fatty acid
requires a team of highly skilled professionals, content, salmon promotes human cardiovascular
with each one contributing their special expertise health while also being a key source of nutrition
to ---- the difficult and critical task at hand. for predators in the marine food web.
A) accomplish A) compulsorily
B) fluctuate B) deficiently
C) surrender C) fruitfully
D) articulate D) obscurely
E) weaken E) notably