Page 72 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 72
9. If a comprehensive healthcare system ---- 13. Most of the pesticides are persistent in nature,
preventive care, early diagnosis, and effective leading to long-term contamination of soil and
treatment options, it can significantly improve water, ---- affecting both agricultural productivity
overall public health outcomes and quality of life. and ecosystems, as well as causing human
health issues.
A) eradicates
A) convincingly
B) implies
C) dissolves B) deficiently
D) comprises C) decisively
D) forcefully
E) protects
E) profoundly
10. Although Winston Churchill ---- making strategic 14. To enhance vessel performance and stay ahead
mistakes during World War II, his courageous in the competitive maritime industry, shipyards
leadership and inspiring speeches were must adopt innovative technologies that ---- the
instrumental in rallying the British people and construction process and boost efficiency.
securing victory.
A) conceal
A) ended up
B) withdraw
B) went against
C) accelerate
C) passed on
D) validate
D) stayed out
E) launch
E) aimed at
11. In order to effectually manage ---- to education 15. Atatürk’s educational reforms, which modernised
caused by unforeseen circumstances, schools the curriculum and promoted scientific inquiry,
frequently utilise flexible teaching methods and ---- contemporary practices to align the Turkish
enrich support services for students. education system with global standards.
A) materials A) set back
B) substitutions B) fell behind
C) resources C) rooted out
D) disruptions D) handed over
E) incidents E) drew on
12. Scientific evidence highlights the urgent need for 16. Farmers can capture distinct flavours and
environmental action, but some people still hold textures by harvesting grapes at different times
---- opinions about climate change, which hinders ---- the season, which allows for a variety of other
progress towards effective solutions. uses for the fruit ---- fresh consumption.
A) descriptive A) within / along
B) explicable B) throughout / beyond
C) widespread C) in / opposite
D) thoughtful D) during / around
E) sceptical E) over / beneath