Page 3 - Summer School Book
P. 3


                                                          CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK

                                                          The Summer School English Language Curriculum  Communication methods can be employed for a variety
                                                          Framework is planned in two parts as 9th -10th grades   of goals, including improving speaking fluency, repeating
                                                          and 11 th  -12 th  grades. The duration for each part is  points that are unclear, and expressing the same emotion
                                                          determined as 48 hours. While A1-A2 levels are for  using alternative words and structures.
                                                          9  and 10  grade students, A2-A2+ levels are for 11    Furthermore, in the A1-A2+  Summer  School English
                                                          and 12  grade students. The curriculum seeks to teach   Language Curriculum Framework, collaboration among
                                                          students how to use English as a communication tool,   students is emphasized over competition because
                                                          how to use technology effectively, and how to learn  collaborative activities are more in line with the natural
                                                          how to study. According to their mental development  process of language learning, in which learners interact
                                                          levels, the curriculum is meant to assist students to  with one another to negotiate meaning and practice
                                                          develop their cognitive, emotional, psychomotor, and  interpersonal skills necessary to become effective
                                                          intercultural communication abilities.      communicators.
                                                          This curriculum has been planned in accordance  Oral narratives such as presentations and providing
                                                          with the descriptive and pedagogical principles of  opinions are carried out in speaking activities
                                                          the Common European Framework of Reference for  without expecting a response from other people. The
                                                          Languages (CEFR). The A1-A2+ Summer School  presentation can be prepared or spontaneous (such
                                                          English Language Curriculum Framework is designed   as giving short answers to questions about the topics
                                                          to assist foreign language teachers in creating an  in a text that is read or heard). Dialogs are face-to-
                                                          engaging and interactive classroom environment, as  face activities. The activities should be developed with
                                                          well as students in understanding the importance of  the different types of speech in mind in order for the
                                                          developing foreign language learning for their personal,   students to acquire the ability for oral narrative and
                                                          social, and cultural development.           conversation. Students should be encouraged to express
                                                          Regarding the implementation of the A1-A2+ Summer   themselves in the classroom through appropriate,
                                                          School English Language Curriculum Framework,  attractive, and interesting topics,  and  activities  and/or
                                                          there is not a certain approach prescribed in accordance   methods to improve speaking skills (dialog, discussion,
                                                          with the Common European Framework of Reference   conversation, presentation, storytelling, communication
                                                          for Languages. Because the Common European  games, etc.) should be selected in accordance with their
                                                          Framework of Reference for Languages considers  levels.
                                                          learners social agents to achieve everyday tasks using  Within the Summer School English Language
                                                          the language, which goes with the Action-Oriented  Curriculum  Framework, some  in-class  activities  are
                                                          Approach, the essence of which is what you can do  given as an example to give ideas to teachers. Teachers
                                                          with the language rather than what or how much  you   can find preferred instructional materials which are
                                                          know. As long as the implementation of the curriculum   attractive in presentation, authentic in content/use,
                                                          content caters for actions to be carried out using the  culturally sensitive, unbiased toward learners’/others’
                                                          language, the methodology is up to the teacher. It is vital   cultures/genders, and multisensory in design. Some
                                                          that  the teacher consider the needs, levels and interests   research-based and digital interactive activities are also
                                                          of the students.                            provided for the students who are digital natives.
                                                          One  of  the  most  essential  objectives  in  foreign
                                                          language  instruction is for students to be able to
                                                          communicate orally  in  the  target  language.  Speaking
                                                          happens  at  the  same  time  as  the  students’  cognitive
                                                          and  psychomotor  abilities. Effective skills, such as
                                                          the student’s self-confidence, also influence speaking.
                                                          Supporting  factors  include  appropriately  applying
                                                          pronunciation  standards  and  successfully  using
                                                          nonverbal   communication  techniques  such  as
                                                          gestures and mimes.
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