Page 10 - English 9 | Summer School Book
P. 10

Let's Answer

          2 Complete the dialogues with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.

              1.  Amy:     Would you rather ________________________________ a course in literature or science? (take)

                Bruce:   I’d prefer ________________________________ for a science course because it’s more useful for me. (register)

              2.  John:     Would you rather ________________________________ a choir or an orchestra? (join)
                Kathy:  I’d prefer ________________________________ in a choir to ________________________________ in an orchestra. (sing/play)

              3.  Sheila:  Would you prefer ________________________________ a craft or ________________________________ a new sport?

                Bob:      To tell you the truth, I’d rather not ________________________________, either. I’d prefer ______________________________
                         TV. (do/watch)

         3  Read the sentences and fill in the chart as in the example.

             Alice: l like playing board games with my friends, but l dislike surfing on the Net.
              Tom: l enjoy doing extreme sports like rafting, bungee-jumping and skydiving because l find them exciting,
                   but l hate indoor sports.
              Ann: My friends insisted on playing paintball this weekend, but l hate doing it because l can’t stand being
                   shot with paint. I prefer knitting on my sofa.

            Philip: l'm into watching animation movies as they are amusing. However, l am not keen on watching horror
                   movies. They are frightening to me.
           Charles: l'm crazy about doing jigsaw puzzles, and l like hanging them on my wall, but l can’t bear doing
                   crossword puzzles.

                                                 LIKES                                DISLIKES
                     Alice                    Board games                        Surfing on the Net



                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     10 ENGLISH A2 - A2+
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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