Page 12 - English 9 | Summer School Book
P. 12

Let's Read

          2 Answer the following questions.

              1.   Do you like reading stories?
              2.   What kind of stories do you like reading?
              3.   Do you prefer printed books or e-books?
              4.  Have you ever read a digital story?
              5.   Do you know how to create a digital story?

          3 Read what Mike has written about the digital story creating process for his Information Technology
            class and put the steps in the correct order.

             a. Record the script. _____   b. Come up with an idea. _____   c. Put it all together. _____

             d. Write the script. _____   e. Share. _____           f. Gather / create images, audios, or videos. _____

            Creating a digital story is not a difficult process as it is thought. If you have a story to tell, you can do it in a few easy steps.
           1     If you want to write a story, you should have something to say first. It can be anything you want. You can tell
            the story of your family, best friend, favourite sportsperson, or even the story of your pet. The characters might be
            fictional or real.
           2     Write a draft of your story and ask some people to read it and get feedback.
           3     When your script is ready, your next step will be to record your story. You need a quiet place for this. It is better
            to have a good microphone, too.
           4     Selecting and editing the images is the third step. You can take your images from various sources. You can take
            photos with a digital camera or find them on the Internet. Make a folder and put your images into it. It is a good idea
            to put your pictures in order according to your story.
           5     Use a video editing program to combine the sound and the images. Bring your audio clips in order. It is done by
            placing the cursor on the timeline where you want the audio to be placed. Then, bring the images in the same way;
            place them on the timeline on the video track.
           6     Insert background music, titles, and effects. If you want to publish this digital story on the Internet, you should
            be careful about commercial things because of the copyrights.
           Your digital story is ready to be shared in 6 easy steps.

    Let's Speak

          4 Imagine that you are preparing a funny digital story. Talk about its process.      Cinderella was my
            Share your thoughts, ideas and / or expreinces about creating a digital           favourite childhood
            story with your friends.                                                        story. It was about a nice
                                                                                            girl and her relationship
                                                                                            with her bad stepmother
          5 Work in pairs to talk about your favourite story from your childhood. Ask           and stepsisters.
            and answer;
                                                                                            Cinderella was so patient
                                                                                             and kind that a miracle
              •   Which one was your favourite?                                              happened. I’ve always
              •   What was it about?
              •   Why was it your favourite?                                                 believed in being good
              •   Which character in the story had an impact on you?                        and patient. That’s why
              •   What conclusions did you draw from the story?                                it is my favourite.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     12 ENGLISH A2 - A2+
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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