Page 13 - English 9 | Summer School Book
P. 13

Let's Have Fun

                                                   30-Second Talks                                                   THEME-1

                      →  Work in groups of four.
                      →  First, write numbers from 1-6 on some pieces of paper, fold and put them in a box.
                      →  Draw a number from the box and move around the board.
                      →  When you land on a sentence square, you must talk for 30 seconds about that question,
                          giving your opinion.
                      →  If you can’t talk for 30 seconds, you must move back one square.
                      →  After you’ve finished speaking, it’s the next player’s turn.
                      →  The game ends when you reach the FINISH square.

                                                                                          What is your
                                                        What’s the       What are the      favourite
                                    Is it important to   trouble with    advantages        celebrity’s
                                       look good?       brothers and      of being a        physical
                                                          sisters?        teenager?       appearance?

                                                                                          Which school
                      Is it OK for   Which personal                                      subject is more
                    teenagers to go   trait of yours do   How do you feel  What makes you   important, P.E. or
                      on a diet?      you like most?    in summer?         happy?           science?

                     What’s more      What are the    What makes you     Are parents      Do computer
                      important,      advantages of   feel frightened?   always right?   games help you
                    money or love?  learning English?                                        learn?

                                     Are influencers                     If you were a
                                    good role models   How do you feel   colour, what   Is it important to
                                       for teens?      on rainy days?   would you be?      look good?

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM     13 ENGLISH A2 - A2+
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18