Page 172 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 172


    ENGLISH  11.  The film, ---- cast included several Hollywood legends,   16.  There is nothing ---- about the irreversible effects of
                                                             certain drugs ---- were released without security tests.
            won multiple awards, ---- gave it a masterpiece status.
            A) which / where
                                                             A) doing / who
            B) whom / who
            C) that / when                                   B) to be doing / where
                                                             C) to do / why
            D) whose / which                                 D) having been done / that
            E) where / that                                  E) to be done / which

        12.  The  new  software,  ----  has  a  user-friendly  interface   17.  The first suspect was the employee ----, but the real
            ---- users can easily perform complex tasks, provides   criminal, ----  fingerprints were found at the crime scene,
            better functionality.                            will be caught by the police.

            A) which / whereby                               A) to have been investigated / whose
            B) who / which                                   B) being investigated / who
            C) when / whose                                  C) to investigate / that
            D) whose / where                                 D) having been investigated / whom
            E) where / that                                  E) to be investigating / of which

        13.  The annual festival, ---- people from all over the region   18.  The  moon  landing  in  1969,  an  event  ----  Neil
            come together, creates a sense of community, ---- bonds   Armstrong set foot on the moon, was an achievement
            among neighbours.                                ---- demonstrated the capabilities of humans.

            A) when / to strengthen                          A) of which / where
            B) whose / to be strengthened                    B) of whose / when
            C) where / strengthening                         C) during which / that
            D) why / to have strengthened                    D) by whom / which
            E) which / being strengthened                    E) from which / whereby

        14.  The conference, ---- experts shared their ideas, offered   19.  The meteorologist, ---- spend hours to analyse data, is
            current trends in research, the advancement ---- we are   the only person ---- you can trust for reliable forecasts.
            all waiting for.
                                                             A) that / who
            A) at which / on which
                                                             B) who / that
            B) with whom / at which
                                                             C) whom / whose
            C) to whom / to which
                                                             D) where / to whom
            D) over which / with which
                                                             E) which / when
            E) during which / of which

        15.  The library, ---- had big renovations, had two sections, one   20.  Children, ---- we appreciate for their innocence, play
            for fiction and one for non-fiction, ---- were well organised.  together in a world ---- imagination has no limits.

            A) that / either of which                        A) who / when
            B) when / most of whom                           B) whose / that
            C) which / both of which                         C) why / whereby
            D) where / few of whom                           D) whom / where
            E) whose / neither of which                      E) of whose / which

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