Page 170 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 170


    ENGLISH  11.  Cactus  species,  ----  require  little  water,  grow  in  the   16.  Ada Lovelace, ---- was born in 1815, is considered the
                                                              first computer programmer, ---- is a great achievement
            harsh desert environment ---- few plants can survive.
                                                              for her era.
            A) most of whom / in which
                                                              A) that / where
            B) neither of whose / that
                                                              B) who / which
            C) some of which / when
                                                              C) whom / whose
            D) few of whom / whose
                                                              D) which / why
            E) many of which / where
                                                              E) whose / who

        12.  The historians ---- the forgotten languages will decode   17.  Vitamin  A,  ----  abundantly  in  foods  like  carrots
            the ancient texts, ---- by previous civilisations.  and  spinach,  is  a  nutrient  ----  the  body  requires
                                                              for healthy vision.
            A) studied / left
                                                              A) found / that
            B) to be studied / having left
                                                              B) finding / which
            C) studying / having been left
                                                              C) to be found / where
            D) to study / to be left                          D) having found / why

            E) having studied / leaving                       E) being found / when

        13.  The  athletes  competing  in  the  international   18.  Green roofs, ---- benefits are well documented, are
            championship, ---- aimed for excellence, did not   being  installed  on  more  buildings,  ----  prioritise
            have anything ---- in their pursuit of victory.   sustainability.
            A) that / ignoring                                A) which / some of whose
            B) which / to have ignored                        B) when / none of which
            C) when / being ignored                           C) whose / many of which
            D) who / to ignore                                D) where / most of whose
            E) where / to be ignored                          E) that / few of which

        14.  The Jurassic is a geologic period ---- includes old life   19.  The company ---- manufactures wearable technologies
            forms, such as dinosaurs, and this is the reason ----   has employed highly skilled engineers ---- are experts
            even children are interested in it.               in their field.

            A) which / whom                                   A) which / where
            B) that / why                                     B) when / which
            C) where / for which                              C) whose / that
            D) when / that                                    D) whereby / whom
            E) who / whose                                    E) that / who

        15.  The  Hubble  Space  Telescope,  ----  scientists  have   20.  There are many obstacles ---- in family relationships, ----
            captured amazing images of the cosmos, is one of   require effective communication and understanding.
            the greatest astronomical devices ----.
                                                              A) to be overcome / some of whom
            A) with which / to have invented
                                                              B) overcome / many of which
            B) at whom / being invented
            C) by which / having been invented                C) overcoming / a few of whom
            D) of whom / invented                             D) to overcome / most of which
            E) through which / to have been invented          E) being overcome / both of which

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