Page 169 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 169
6. A team of researchers, ---- on renewable energy for
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. years, developed a new technology ---- solar power
could be efficiently used.
1. The ancient Egypt, ---- civilisation developed along A) having worked / that
the Nile, left behind detailed records on the era ---- it
flourished. B) to have been working / where
A) where / that C) to be working / when
B) which / where D) having been working / whereby
C) when / which E) working / which
D) whose / when
E) whom / why
7. Sour apples have a sharp taste, ---- they are preferred
when making vinegar, ---- acidity adds a unique flavour
2. With no one ----, the story’s main character finds himself to dishes.
in a state of paranoia, ---- forces him to question every
person around him. A) beyond whom / when
B) to which / where
A) to trust / which
B) being trusted / where C) over which / whereby
C) trusting / whom D) at whom / which
D) to have trusted / who E) for which / whose
E) to be trusted / whose
3. The astronauts, ---- NASA selected for the mission, will 8. Pompeii, ---- by a volcanic eruption in 79 AD, is now
take off for the International Space Station, ---- they will do an archaeological site ---- a window into daily life in
experiments. the Roman Empire.
A) that / which A) to be buried / to offer
B) whom / where B) being buried / having offered
C) who / whom C) buried / offering
D) which / when D) having buried / to be offered
E) where / why E) to have been buried / offered
4. Amelia Earhart is the first woman ---- solo across the 9. The scientists ---- the government provides funding
Atlantic Ocean, ---- made her an important figure in are conducting studies at the research institute ----
aviation history. for its contributions to medicine.
A) flying / where A) in which / having been recognised
B) to have flown / which B) to whom / recognising
C) to fly / whose C) for whom / recognised
D) to be flying / whom D) of which / being recognised
E) having flown / whereby E) by whom / to be recognised
5. Ants are amazing creatures ---- exhibit complex social 10. The reason ---- the researchers started this study is
behaviour and perform difficult tasks, ---- are vital for their worries about the widespread use of pesticides,
the survival of their colonies. ---- global food safety.
A) which / few of whom A) why / threatened
B) whom / some of whom B) that / threatening
C) who / many of which C) when / to be threatened
D) whose / a lot of which D) for which / having threatened
E) that / most of which E) which / to threaten