Page 187 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 187
6. The Internet is ---- revolutionary a development in
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen communication ---- it has changed the way people
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
connect and share information.
1. The African elephant’s ---- asset is its trunk, which A) such / that
provides ---- functionality when compared to any
B) more / than
other animal’s nose.
C) too / to
A) the best / much
D) as / as
B) better / little
E) so / that
C) good / many
D) best / more
7. In places with drought, there is ---- rain in a decade ----
E) well / less
in long dunes, meaning that people need to get water
2. Amongst various bee species, the honeybee is by far
---- for its key role in pollination, which makes it even A) the more / the less
---- to agriculture in comparison to others. B) such / that
A) famous / less important C) less / than
B) the most famous / more important D) so / that
C) the more famous / most important E) as / as
D) most famous / the most important
E) the least famous / important
8. In competitive chess, ---- a player studies various
3. The UN Chief has declared July 2023 ---- month on opening strategies, ---- likely they are to beat even the
record; it has not been this ---- in the last 120,000 years. most experienced opponents.
A) the hottest / warm A) more / than
B) a hotter / the warmest B) the more / the more
C) hottest / warmer C) too / to
D) the hotter / warmest D) so / that
E) hot / the warmer E) as / as
4. The academic journal had ---- a lot of articles on 9. With its incredible flight skills, the peregrine falcon
modern literature ---- researchers did not need to use can dive ---- any other bird and has ---- vision of all
other sources. raptors.
A) so / that A) faster than / the sharpest
B) as / as B) fast / sharpest
C) so / as C) the faster / sharp
D) such / that D) fastest / the sharper
E) such / as E) the fastest / sharper than
5. During spring, allergies can be especially challenging, 10. The chameleon’s ---- trait is its ability to camouflage,
as ---- pollen levels in the air can affect individuals ---- and this makes it a ---- better predator than many others.
than in other seasons.
A) less remarkable / much
A) highest / more severe
B) most remarkable / far
B) the highest / severely
C) the least remarkable / rather
C) high / more severely
D) the most remarkable / quite
D) the higher / a more severe
E) more remarkable / slightly
E) higher / less severely