Page 192 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 192
ENGLISH 1. Forming Noun Clauses
“Noun Clauses” (isim cümlecikleri) cümlede isim ya da isim gruplarının (noun phrases) işlevini gören yan
cümlelerdir. İsimler, cümlede özne ya da nesne görevinde bulunabildikleri için isim cümlecikleri de cümlede
özne ya da nesne görevinde bulunabilirler.
The huge impact of World War II on the world is widely accepted by historians.
(Noun phrase – Subject position)
That World War II had a huge impact on the world is widely accepted by historians.
(Noun clause – Subject position)
Experts emphasise the importance of education for economic growth and social development.
(Noun phrase – Object position)
Experts emphasise that education is very important for economic growth and social development.
(Noun clause – Object position)
A. Cümlenin öznesi olarak (As the subject of a sentence)
That dietary choices have a great influence on an individual’s health is a well-established fact.
İsim cümleciği (noun clause) cümlede özne görevindeyse “that” kelimesi, cümleden kaldırılamaz. Ancak
nesne olarak kullanılan “noun clause” yapısında ise “that” sözcüğü kullanılmayabilir.
Some research claims (that) robots can mimic human skills in manipulating objects.
B. Cümlenin nesnesi olarak (As the object of a sentence)
The researchers believe (that) learning a foreign language at an early age helps cognitive development.
Findings suggested (that) engagement in artistic forms of entertainment is beneficial for mental health.
2. Noun Clauses with "That" and "The Fact That"
Turkish people enjoy traditional cuisine. That is a reflection of their deep cultural connection to food.
Video 10.1
The fact that Turkish people enjoy traditional cuisine is a reflection of their deep cultural connection to food.
“The fact that” ile başlayan cümle eğer özne durumundaysa “the fact that” yerine sadece “that” de kullanılabilir.
The fact that / That Turkish people enjoy traditional cuisine is a reflection of their deep cultural connection to food.
“That clause” eğer bir “preposition”ın nesnesi durumunda ise “the fact that” ifadesi kullanmak zorunludur.
Scientists argue about the fact that reducing carbon emissions is essential to combat global warming.
Many people are surprised at the fact that polar bears can swim long distances in search of food.
A. Belli fiillerden sonra (After certain verbs)
admit expect realise
announce explain remember
believe hope reveal
claim indicate say
confirm know suggest
declare predict think
doubt promise wonder
According to sociologists, we should all know that social media will never completely replace face-to-face interactions.
It is expected that outdoor activities will increase in popularity as people seek healthier ways to spend their leisure time.