Page 197 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 197


        Tense Changes in Reported Speech

              Direct Speech         Indirect Speech                        Example

           The Simple Present    The Past Simple Tense  “I swim on Saturdays,” he said. † He said (that) he swam on
                 Tense                                Saturdays.

         The Present Continuous   The Past Continuous   “I am swimming right now,” she said. † She said (that) she was
                 Tense                  Tense         swimming right then.

           The Present Perfect   The Past Perfect Tense  “We have passed the exam,” they said. † They said (that) they
                 Tense                                had passed the exam.

                                                      “I  have been  practising the  piano  for several  months,” she
           The Present Perfect     The Past Perfect   said. † She said (that) she had been practising the piano for
            Continuous Tense       Continuous Tense
                                                      several months.

                                                      “I visited the museum last week,” he said. † He said (that) he
          The Simple Past Tense  The Past Perfect Tense
                                                      had visited the museum the previous week.

           The Past Continuous     The Past Perfect   “I was cooking dinner when he called,” he said. † He said
                 Tense             Continuous Tense   (that) he had been cooking dinner when he called.

                                                      “I had cleaned the house before the guests arrived,” she said.
          The Past Perfect Tense  The Past Perfect Tense † She said (that) she  had cleaned the house before the
                                                      guests arrived.
                                                      “I had been studying for an hour when the electricity went out,”
             The Past Perfect      The Past Perfect
            Continuous Tense       Continuous Tense   he said. † He said (that) he had been studying for an hour
                                                      when the electricity went out.

            The Simple Future           Would         “I will complete the project next week,” she said. † She said
                 Tense                                (that) she would complete the project the following week.

          The Future Continuous      Would be V       “I will be attending the conference at that time,” he said. † He
                 Tense                        ing     said (that) he would be attending the conference at that time.

            The Future Perfect     Would have + V     “I will have graduated from college by then,” she said. † She
                 Tense                           3    said (that) she would have graduated from college by then.

            The Future Perfect   Would have + been + V  “I will have been travelling for three months,” he said. † He
            Continuous Tense                       ing  said (that) he would have been travelling for three months.

             Direct Speech      : “They have discovered a new species of orchid in the rainforest.”

            Reported Speech: The botanist reported that they had discovered a new species of orchid in the rainforest.
             Direct Speech      : “The forest was destroyed by wildfires.”
            Reported Speech: The ecologists reported that the forest had been destroyed by wildfires.
             Direct Speech      : “We will have to find a solution to the plastic pollution crisis.”
            Reported Speech : The environmentalists emphasised that they would have to find a solution to the plastic pollution

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