Page 202 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 202


    ENGLISH      Reporting Verb                  verb + that clause

                                                         Example Sentence

                      admit                     Patrick acknowledged that he had lied to us.
                                                  Helen admitted that she was guilty.
                      agree             The directors agreed that the company had to be restructured.
                     assert             The CEO asserted that the company’s profits were on the rise.

                      claim              The author claimed that his novel was the best in the genre.
                    concede        The athlete conceded that he had not trained enough for the competition.
                     confirm          The surgeon confirmed that the tissues were healthy and normal.

                      deny                   The man denied that he had committed the crime.
                     explain       The manager explained that the company was facing financial difficulties.
                     indicate      Studies indicated that organic foods had higher levels of certain nutrients.
                     inform            The teachers were informed that there would be a staff meeting.

                      insist            Students insisted that they were overloaded with assignments.
                     mention          The interviewee mentioned that he had worked at tech companies.
                      note         The papers noted that there were problems with data collection methods.

                     observe           Scientists observed that bee populations were declining rapidly.
                    point out          Researchers pointed out that ocean water was becoming acidic.
                      report        The news channels reported that storms were expected to hit the area.
                     suggest      Economists suggested that companies invest in research and development.

                                        verb + (someone) + preposition + gerund
                 Reporting Verb                          Example Sentence
                    accuse of                Benjamin accused Sarah of cheating on the test.

                     admit to            Amanda admitted to losing her temper during the argument.
                   apologise for          The manager apologised for arriving late to the meeting.
                    blame for              The student blamed his sister for losing his textbook.

                   boast about          The artist boasted about experimenting with abstract painting.
                  complain about       The customer complained about receiving a damaged product.
                    confess to               The suspect confessed to committing the crime.
                     insist on                The little child insisted on playing in the park.

                    object to                The employees objected to taking on extra work.
                   prevent from            Joshua prevented Alex from making a huge mistake.
                  protest against       The workers protested against working in unsafe conditions.

                    thank for              Linda thanked her parents for supporting her dreams.
                   warn against       The repair worker warned against using faulty electrical equipment.

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