Page 204 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 204


    ENGLISH  Common Nouns Used in Subjunctive  Nouns Used in Subjunctive

                                      demand                       proposal
                                       desire                   recommendation
                                     importance                    request
                                     necessity                    requirement

                                     obligation                   suggestion

             It is an educational necessity that students (should) have access to diverse learning resources to understand
            subjects better.
             It is of high importance for healthcare officials that they (should) stay updated with the latest advancements.
            “Subjunctive” yapıyla olumsuz bir cümle kurmak için “not + bare infinitive” veya “should not + bare infinitive”
             It is an obligation that players should not harm their opponents intentionally to gain an advantage over their rivals.
            It is an obligation that players not harm their opponents intentionally to gain an advantage over their rivals.
            Temel cümlede yer alan eylem “past” olsa dahi “subjunctive” yapıda fiil yine yalın halde kullanılır.
             Doctors recommended that individuals should prioritise regular exercise and a balanced diet for maintaining good
            Doctors recommended that individuals prioritise regular exercise and a balanced diet for maintaining good health.
            “Subjunctive” yapılar edilgen yapıyla birlikte kullanıldığında edilgen cümlelerde kullanmak zorunda olduğumuz
           “be” yalın halde kullanılır.
             Many experts in the industry insist that sustainable practices should be used for a brighter environmental future.
            Many experts in the industry insist that sustainable practices be used for a brighter environmental future.
        9. Exclamations in Noun Clauses

                                How + sıfat!                      How + sıfat + a / an + isim!
                                                                                                 Video 10.10
                               How amazing!                        How wise a suggestion!
                              How wonderful!                         How great a week!
                               How beautiful!                        How elegant a hotel!

                              How incredible!                        How sweet a kitten!
                               How fantastic!                       How marvellous a film!

                      How + sıfat + özne + fiil!          What + sıfat + sayılamayan isim / sayılabilen çoğul isim!

              How patient Diana is to teach young children!             What perfect weather!
                How caring they are to rescue animals!                What challenging questions!

           How determined Pam is to complete that marathon!               What great news!
               How dedicated you are to your community!                   What busy streets!

              How creative Ken is to think up those ideas!             What peaceful moments!

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