Page 206 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 206


    ENGLISH             You + (sıfat) + isim!                         The weather is so pleasant!
                                                                             So + sıfat!
                         You gentle soul!

                        You diligent worker!
                        You creative writer!                           The book is so interesting!
                                                                        The cake is so sweet!
                         You sweet child!                            The sunset is so breathtaking!
                       You talented musician!                         Her painting is so colourful!

             Such + (sıfat) + sayılamayan isim / çoğul isim!    Such + a / an (sıfat) + tekil sayılabilen isim!
                      Such fascinating history!                        Such a cosy atmosphere!

                       Such important details!                         Such a beautiful painting!
                     Such fantastic adventures!                      Such a heartwarming moment!

        10. “so”, “not” and “but” in Noun Clauses
                                                                                                Video 10.11
            İngilizce’de nesne cümlelerini kısaltmak amacıyla “so” kullanabiliriz. “That” cümleciği yerine “so”
              alabilen bazı fiil ya da söz öbekleri bulunmaktadır. Bu fiillerin bir listesini aşağıdaki tabloda görebilirsiniz.

                      assume               guess               It seems              reckon
                      believe               hope                imagine               say
                      expect              I’m afraid             know               suppose
                       fear               It appears             think                 tell

             “Do you think the company’s expansion plans will be successful?” asks a colleague.
            A friend of hers answers that the manager has promising plans, and he is sure that they will succeed.
            The manager believes so.
            “Believe”, “expect”, “suppose” ve “think” fiilleri ile “do / does + not + main verb + so” yapısı kullanılarak bir
           önceki cümleye dair olumsuz kanaat belirtilebilir.
             “Will technology affect our lives negatively in the future?” asks the teacher.
            The students answer that it will be better in the future.
            The students don’t think so.
            “It appears / seems so” yapısı “Öyle gözüküyor” anlamına gelir ve “It doesn’t appear / seem so” şeklinde
           olumsuz olarak da kullanılabilir.
             Andy: Are you confident about our chances in the upcoming competition?
            Betty: Based on our recent training performance and previous results, it appears / seems so.
            “do so” yapısı, kendisinden önce kurulan cümlede geçen bir eylemin yerine kullanılabilir.
             Andrew: Are you planning to continue your education and pursue a higher degree?
            Benny: Yes, I believe it’s essential for my career goals; that’s why I will do so.

            “so + özne + fiil” kalıbı ile muhatap olduğumuz kişinin sözü onaylanır.
             Henry: As people age, their approach to global issues and problems differs accordingly.
            Patrick: So, it differs. (Evet öyle yapar.)

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