Page 211 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 211
6. It is imperative that no changes ---- to the project’s
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen
plan without careful consideration, as this could
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
affect ---- the project is completed within budget.
1. Eating healthily is ---- many people want to do, but the
problem is ---- to make healthy choices and maintain A) made / when
a balanced diet. B) be made / whether
C) being made / if
A) what / how D) making / what
B) that / which E) having made / that
C) how / when
D) whether / what
E) the fact that / why
2. The texture of the paintings may be harmed by the 7. ---- is important in our project development process
flash, and ---- may their colours; therefore, it is an is ---- we establish a collaborative environment where
obligation that visitors ---- their photos. team members can share their ideas.
A) as well / not to take A) What / that
B) neither / not taking B) How / what
C) either / not to be taking C) Whether / how
D) nor / not having taken D) When / where
E) so / not take
E) That / when
3. The general opinion about social media is ---- it is 8. Employees are free to take breaks ---- needed, but
a powerful communication tool and has greatly the issue is ---- these breaks should be scheduled to
changed ---- people connect with one another. maximise productivity.
A) why / what A) wherever / which
B) what / where
B) whichever / who
C) how / why
C) whenever / when
D) that / how
D) whoever / where
E) whether / when
E) whomever / why
4. Teenagers are always concerned about ---- they will 9. It is crucial that governments and industries ----
achieve their goals in the future and ---- their choices action to reduce pollution, but it is uncertain ---- any
today will shape their lives. measures will be implemented.
A) whether / how A) take / if
B) if / what B) taking / whether
C) when / who C) be taken / that
D) that / where
D) to take / how
E) how / why
E) to be taking / when
5. Experts recommend ---- additives, which explains 10. The journalist is curious about ---- the government
---- a diet based on minimally processed foods is is planning to address the issue and ---- will be
necessary for disease prevention. responsible for implementing the plans.
A) to avoid / what A) who / why
B) avoid / when B) when / where
C) to be avoiding / how
C) whether / what
D) avoiding / why
D) that / which
E) having avoided / where
E) what / who