Page 213 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 213
6. Some people object to ---- stricter environmental
Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen
laws, but ---- pollution remains uncontrolled, the
sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
consequences for our planet are damaging.
1. ---- the candidate will be hired for the position
depends on ---- qualities she has that the hiring A) apply / whenever
committee values most. B) applying / wherever
C) be applying / however
A) If / what D) be applied / whatever
B) Whether / which E) having applied / whomever
C) How / whom
D) That / how far
E) Where / how many
2. Most scientists are certain about ---- genetics plays a 7. It is a conservation necessity that fishers ----
significant role in ---- an individual develops particular procedures to avoid overfishing and protect the
physical and behavioural traits. balance of aquatic ecosystems ----.
A) what / that A) to follow / too
B) that / what B) following / either
C) whether / why C) follow / as well
D) the fact that / how D) to be following / neither
E) how / whose E) be followed / so
3. According to the research, it is clear ---- excessive 8. Entrepreneurs must consider ---- their business idea
sugar consumption is harmful to dental health and is practical, and when they decide it is, they must
does not contribute to overall well-being ----. pursue it, ---- they meet along the way.
A) when / so A) why / whoever
B) where / or not B) if / whatever
C) why / too C) what / whichever
D) if / as well D) whether / however
E) that / either E) how / whenever
4. The bank clerk asked the investor why he ---- such a 9. Researchers said that regular daytime naps ---- brain
large sum of money without notice and warned him function, but there was a debate over ---- they could
---- the bank in the future. prevent diseases.
A) withdrew / to have informed A) may benefit / the fact that
B) could withdraw / to be informed B) could benefit / if
C) had withdrawn / to inform C) should benefit / how
D) would withdraw / to be informing D) used to benefit / why
E) has withdrawn / to have been informed E) might benefit / whether
5. In almost all countries, it is a government requirement 10. In a study of bird behaviour, scientists examined ----
---- all sources of income ---- accurately for tax the flock’s migration began and ---- external factors
assessment. influenced their choice of route.
A) that / be reported A) why / who
B) why / are reporting B) which / what
C) whether / reported C) where / whose
D) whatever / report D) how / which
E) whichever / has reported E) what / when