Page 217 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 217


            Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen   6.   In the wild, sleeping ---- the most dangerous activity
            sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                     for a prey animal, given the continual possibility of
                                                             predators ---- nearby.
        1.   ----  Azores  archipelago  is  made  up  of  nine  islands,
            each of which has a unique beauty and charm that
            sets it apart from ---- destinations.            A) could be / to be waiting
                                                             B) would be / being waited
            A) Ø / these
                                                             C) should be / to have waited
            B) The / other
                                                             D) must be / to wait
            C) A / their                                     E) might be / waiting
            D) Ø /  the other
            E) The / those
        2.   The Eastern Black Sea region of Türkiye is renowned   7.   Hearing mellow music ---- a calming atmosphere that
            for  ----  massive  hazelnut  export;  it  provides  ----  the   ---- you a short break from the chaos of everyday life.
            global  supply  due  to  the  region’s  fertile  lands  and
            ideal climate.
                                                             A) might create / will give
            A) their / none of                               B) should create / has given
            B) it / a few of                                 C) can create / gives
            C) the one / each of                             D) must create / gave
            D) its / most of                                 E) would create / had given
            E) this / both of

        3.   In the Paralympics, disabled athletes ---- with a platform   8.   Until  recently,  travellers  ----  paper  maps  alone  to
            to  demonstrate  their  skills  and  determination,  and   navigate  unfamiliar  territories,  but  now,  they  ----
            audiences worldwide ---- their incredible feats.  about getting lost thanks to GPS navigation systems.

            A) will be provided / are supporting             A) should have relied on / could not need to worry
            B) have been provided / had supported            B) used to rely on / must not need to worry
            C) were provided / have been supporting          C) could have relied on / would not need to worry
            D) are being provided / supported                D) had to rely on / might not need to worry
            E) are provided / support                        E) must have relied on / should not need to worry

        4.   Hawaii  ----  by  Polynesian  navigators  who  skilfully   9.   Junko  Tabei,  a  Japanese  mountaineer,  became  the
            used  the  stars  and  currents,  while  the  arrival  of   first woman ---- the summit of Mount Everest, ---- a
            Captain  James  Cook  in  1778  ----  the  beginning  of   historic  milestone  in  breaking  gender  barriers  in
            European contact.                                mountaineering.

            A) was discovered / marked                       A) to reach / achieving
            B) had been discovered / was marking             B) to have reached / having achieved
            C) will be discovered / is marking               C) reach / being achieved
            D) has been discovered / had marked              D) to be reached / to be achieving
            E) is discovered / has marked                    E) reaching / to achieve

        5.   West  Nile  virus  ----  primarily  through  an  infected   10.   We all ---- we ---- more hours in a day to accomplish
            mosquito  bite,  and  it  keeps  ----  the  most  common   everything  we  want,  yet  it  is  important  to  prioritise
            cause of viral disease spread by insects in the US.  our tasks and manage our time effectively.

            A) has been transmitted / having been            A) have wished / have
            B) was transmitted / to have been                B) wish / could have
            C) is transmitted / being                        C) wished / had had
            D) is being transmitted / be                     D) had wished / could have had
            E) will be transmitted / to be                   E) would wish / had

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