Page 218 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 218


    ENGLISH  11.   If  only  immediate  access  to  comprehensive   16.   In  the  world  of  home  design,  the  gifted  architect’s

                                                             innovative  ideas  are  ----  ones,  and  her  attention  to
            healthcare  services  ----  a  reality  for  everyone,  the
            overall well-being across societies ---- remarkably.
                                                             detail is even ---- than that of experienced designers.
            A) was / could have improved
            B) were / would improve                          A) more unique / great
                                                             B) the most unique / greater
            C) has been / would have improved                C) unique / the greatest
            D) used to be / will improve                     D) most unique / the greater
            E) had been / will have improved                 E) the more unique / greatest

        12.   ----  the  ingredients  are  fresh  and  of  high  quality,   17.   The gigantic herbivores, ---- fossilised remains have
            the  chef  can  create  an  unforgettable  culinary   fascinated  palaeontologists,  roamed  in  search  of
            masterpiece.                                     nutritious vegetation ---- let them survive.

            A) Although                                      A) which / where
            B) By the time                                   B) who / whose
            C) Provided that                                 C) whose / that
            D) Even if                                       D) whom / which
            E) Whereas                                       E) on which / when

        13.   Board  games  often  create  a  fun  and  interactive   18.   As  a  result  of  the  collaborative  efforts  of  talented
            gaming  environment,  fostering  competition  and   actors  ----  TV  shows  bring  together,  audiences  are
            cooperation among players; ----, they improve critical   shifting  to  streaming  platforms  ----  diverse  content
            thinking and problem-solving skills.             options are highly available.

            A) additionally                                  A) whose / which
            B) otherwise                                     B) who / that
            C) instead                                       C) that / when
            D) in fact                                       D) whom / where
            E) afterwards                                    E) why / by which

        14.   The law of conservation of energy states that energy   19.   ---- makes air conditioners stand out is their ability
            cannot  be  created  or  destroyed  ----  certain  nuclear   to  cool  indoor  spaces  rapidly,  but  ----  they  are
            reactions, which can convert a small amount of mass   energy-efficient  should  be  investigated  before
            into energy.                                     buying.

            A) prior to                                      A) Why / if
            B) despite                                       B) How / when
            C) contrary to                                   C) What / whether
            D) as well as                                    D) Who / where
            E) except for                                    E) That / whose

        15.   Cruise  holidays  offer  exploration  and  relaxation   20.   Smartphones  changed  ----  people  communicate
            in  a  single  vacation  package,  which  makes  them  a   with each other, but it is not clear ---- these devices
            popular  choice  for  travellers  seeking  ----  adventure   enabled smooth digital communication exactly.
            ---- comfort.
                                                             A) how / when
            A) either / or                                   B) why / whether
            B) whether / or                                  C) that / where
            C) neither / nor                                 D) if / which
            D) both / and                                    E) who / that
            E) no sooner / than

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