Page 220 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 220


    ENGLISH  Exercise A                       REPORTED SPEECH      REVISION     ÖRNEK SORU VİDEOLARI
                                               NOUN CLAUSES &
                 GRAMMAR EXERCISES
                                                                    TEST 1
                                                    TEST 1
          1. b   2. a   3. c   4. a   5. c   6. b   7. b   8. c
                                                                      2. A
                                                     1. A             1. C                       Video 10.14
                                                     2. E             3. E
          Exercise B
                                                     3. D             4. B
          1. is divided / is                                                                     Video 10.15
                                                     4. A             5. D
          2. Whether
                                                     5. D             6. A
          3. What                                    6. B             7. C
          4. that / whoever                          7. A             8. B                       Video 10.16
          5. include                                 8. C             9. A
          6. whom / what                             9. A            10. E                       Video 10.17
          7. the fact that / either                 10. E            11. B
                                                    11. C
          8. why                                                     12. D
                                                    12. C            13. A
                                                    13. D            14. C                       Video 10.18
          Exercise C
                                                    14. B            15. E
          1. who                                    15. E
                                                                     16. E
          2. that                                   16. B            17. B                       Video 10.19
          3. whether                                17. D
                                                                     18. E
          4. how long                               18. D            19. A
          5. why                                    19. C            20. D                       Video 10.20
                                                    20. E
          6. what
          7. whichever
                                               NOUN CLAUSES &      REVISION
          8. the fact that                                                                       Video 10.21
                                              REPORTED SPEECH       TEST 2
                                                    TEST 2            1. B
          Exercise D                                 1. B             2. D
          1.  Experts are sure that artefacts existed   2. D          3. E                       Video 10.22
            five hundred years ago in Anatolia.      3. E             4. A
          2.  The police can find the culprit wherever   4. C         5. C
            he goes.
                                                     5. A             6. E
          3.  James  said  he  would  complete  the   6. B            7. C
            project as soon as possible.
                                                     7. C             8. D
          4.  What a great chance for players to     8. B             9. A
            show their talent in front of the fans.
                                                     9. E            10. B
          5.  Some experts do not believe that      10. D
            nuclear  power  is  a  viable  solution  for             11. B
            climate change; they do not think it is   11. B          12. C
            the best option for producing energy    12. E            13. A
            either.                                 13. A            14. E
          6.  The  cyclist enjoys  hiking  in  the   14. C           15. D
            mountains whenever possible, so do      15. D            16. B
            his friends.                            16. D
                                                                     17. C
          7.  The mechanic denied losing the critical   17. B        18. D
            component of the car while repairing.   18. E
          8.  The employee appreciated getting a    19. B            19. C
            promotion due to his ambitious efforts.                  20. A
                                                    20. C

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