Page 214 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 214
ENGLISH 11. ---- social media platform you use, it is essential to 16. ---- is remarkable about biological discoveries is ----
they often challenge our understanding of life and the
approach it critically and recognise ---- it does not
natural world.
offer the whole picture.
A) Whatever / which A) That / where
B) Whichever / that B) Why / how
C) Whenever / where C) When / which
D) Whoever / why D) What / that
E) Wherever / whom E) The fact that / what
12. Newton said that if he ---- further, it was by standing 17. ---- to balance work and family life is a constant
on the shoulders of giants, and he thanked them for challenge, and finding ---- to draw the line between
---- their lives to science and philosophy. the two can be quite hard.
A) was able to see / dedicate A) Why / whom
B) saw / to dedicate B) How / where
C) had to see / having dedicated C) When / what
D) has seen / to be dedicating D) Where / why
E) had seen / dedicating E) What / how
13. ---- the universe is expanding was a huge discovery, 18. The workplace rules require that ---- arrives after the
broadening our knowledge about ---- galaxies move specified start time must notify their supervisor and
away from each other. explain ---- they are late.
A) The fact that / how A) whomever / how
B) How / where B) whichever / where
C) That / which C) whatever / when
D) Why / when D) wherever / whether
E) Where / whom E) whoever / why
14. Sherlock wondered ---- had left the coded note on his 19. ---- disease-causing cells cannot grow in an
doorstep and told Watson that he ---- its meaning. environment rich in antioxidants raises the question
of ---- taking antioxidant pills could prevent the
A) why / decipher development of certain diseases.
B) that / to decipher
C) who / should decipher A) That / when
D) what / deciphering B) The fact that / whether
E) whom / would decipher C) Whether / if
D) How / the fact that
E) Why / where
15. As stated in The Little Prince, it is only with the heart 20. When asked by children why it was essential that
---- one can see rightly; ---- is essential is invisible to visitors ---- touching the exhibits, the curator replied
the eye. that they ---- in their original condition for the coming
A) which / how
B) how / why A) avoided / would be preserved
C) where / that B) had avoided / had better be preserved
D) that / what C) avoid / had to be preserved
E) whom / which D) would avoid / might be preserved
E) have avoided / could have been preserved