Page 209 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 209


        A) Choose the best option to fill in the blanks in the paragraph.

        Oceans,  the vast  and  mysterious  bodies  of water  that  cover  over  70%  of our  planet’s  surface,  have  long fascinated
        scientists and explorers. For example, (1)---- the Marianas Trench is the deepest known point on Earth, reaching depths of
        over 11,000 metres, is one of the interesting aspects of oceans, and scientists have always wondered (2)---- such extreme
        pressure affects life in the ocean’s depths. Additionally, oceanographers have been curious about (3)---- climate change
        impacts our oceans. Experts have been searching to see to (4)---- extent rising sea temperatures and increased carbon
        dioxide levels influence marine ecosystems. They are studying (5)---- coral reefs, home to an incredible diversity of marine
        life, can adapt to these changes or if they will face irreversible damage. Nearly all climate experts state that the importance
        of oceans in regulating our climate (6)---- overstated. It is a critical concern for scientists (7)---- ocean currents, such as the
        Gulf Stream, might shift due to global warming and disrupt climate patterns worldwide or not. They urge that policymakers
        (8)---- the necessary precautions to save our planet.

                    1. a) whether                                 b) the fact that                                   c) where
                    2. a) how                                      b) where                                           c) what
                    3. a) if                                           b) that                                              c) whether

                    4. a) what                                      b) when                                            c) how
                    5. a) that                                       b) where                                           c) whether

                    6. a) did not have to be                   b) cannot be                                      c) could not be
                    7. a) that                                       b) if                                                  c) where
                    8. a) to take                                   b) taking                                           c) take

        B) Circle the correct words or phrases.

        1.  The geologist explained that the Earth’s crust would be divided / is divided into several tectonic plates, and their
          movement is / would be responsible for the formation of mountains, earthquakes, and volcanic activity.
        2.  Whether / If climate change plays a role in the changing migration patterns of certain bird species is a subject of
          ongoing research.
        3.  What  /  Who caused the extinction of the dinosaurs remains one of the most debated and researched topics in
        4.  Those applying for scholarships should ensure that / when their applications are complete and submitted on time, as
          whenever / whoever misses the deadline will not be considered for funding.
        5.  Nutritionists recommend that individuals are including / include a variety of fruits and vegetables in their daily diet to
          ensure they get essential vitamins and minerals.
        6.  The town residents wonder by whom / who the new community centre will be managed and where / what it will offer
          to benefit the community.
        7.  During laboratory studies, we should not ignore whatever / the fact that mixing certain chemicals can pose potential
          hazards, and we cannot underestimate the importance of safety precautions either / too.
        8.  Ecologists are studying ecosystems to understand that / why certain plant species grow in specific habitats while others
          struggle to survive.

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