Page 205 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 205
What + a / an + (sıfat) + tekil sayılabilen isim + (for + kişi) + (to + infinitive)!
What a great opportunity for them to display their talents!
What a valuable experience for the team to compete in the championship!
What a wonderful chance for students to explore new places and cultures!
What a special occasion for us to gather and celebrate the holidays together!
How + zarf + özne + fiil! How + özne + fiil!
How passionately Mark plays the piano! How Gwen plays tennis!
How skilfully the chefs cook! How Rick manages his time!
How creatively Lynn designs jewellery! How the coach leads his team!
How energetically the team plays! How Joe supports his friends!
How gracefully Sheila dances! How the waves crash on the shore!
How much + karşılaştırma sıfatı / karşılaştırma zarfı + özne + fiil!
How much more skilfully Mark plays the guitar now!
How much more assertively Rick expresses his opinions during team meetings!
How much more thoughtfully Lily communicates with her colleagues!
How much more accurately our team analyses financial data!
How much more diligently your son studies for exams now!
What + sayılamayan isim / sayılabilen çoğul isim! what + a / an + sayılabilen tekil isim!
What fantastic music! What a surprise!
What lovely weather we are having! What an idea!
What amazing places you have visited! What a pity!
Here / There + özne (zamir) + fiil! Here / There + fiil + özne (isim)!
There they are! Here comes the bride!
There it is! Here goes nothing!
Here I am! There lies the problem!
There she is! Here stands the champion!
Here it is! Here comes the sun!